Friday, September 3, 2010

Hey readers...

Hey readers..
long no post...
i wanna tell a story...
there is a gerl i like....the gerl was sweet, cute, kind and alwaes make me smile...
thats is wen i first fall in love wif her...
i like the way she is...
every time i went to her class...she was rushing to see me...
i was so hapi for her..
i Love her...
but since i was keep having headache and alot of problems...
i miss her..and she always msg me..
i was glad to have her...
but recently her attitude was changing..
and i heard from my fren tat she recently have been going out and having plan wif her ex..
i was wondering isit my fault or hers....
i am totally scared....scared to lose her...
cause on the 22 sept i wont be at singapore
i will be going to myanmar..
i am scared tat she will go bck to her ex...
i am totally scared...
wad am i gonna do>?
i havent noe her yet..
i was in hurry to have her cause...i really tot tat she is the one for me..
but rite nw...
i already have a negative tots...
i been wondering...all my ex attitude is totally nt like her...
wad? i have been not seeing u and u wan a guy to entertain u?
go on...i wont get angry bt i tell u one thing...
sometime...even ur ex told u that he is change...
bt he cant...he will go the same way as he always did..
but to me...i nt the kind like to ditch people..
wanna people feelings go ahead..
i dw to be hurt anymore..
i actually had enough...but i wont give up...
forget it..
now...i having stupid migriane in my head...tat i hard walk or no mood to eat..
its has been hurting my head since last two dae....
i wonder...
die without pain is better and suits for me...
or suddenly having accident in myanmar...
haha....wad i wan is that gerl change back the she was be4..
bye readers..

Welcome...TO MY PrOFiLe

HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...