Friday, January 15, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers...
long tyme i nvr post..
i dunno what to post or smth..cause my usb for my hp is lost,
i cant upload my pic..haish...
its fun to be in ite...u meet alot of new frens...
and some fren are ur old frens like u nvr meet him for 3 - 5 yrs...
and i got alot new frens...
got two new frens i made...
their name is shahid bt can call him ayid..and another one is shahrul bt can call him aun...hahas...abit weird name so nvm..hahas,
i hope i can meet my only gerl..
but i juz cant find it...haish..wat a waste to leave jss..
cause there is alot of people..i want to wait...
hahas, there is a little gerl in my ite..but all the second year gerls are all pretty...WOOHOO!! but wad to do..i lose all my skill 4 asking stead...haish..
hahas...ok la thats tyme if i found my usb i will upload pic orite??

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