Thursday, May 27, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers..
i'm bck...
been playing last chaos bck..
the game is totally great... last test pass...woohoo...
I got 52/100...juz pass...haha least i pass...if i fail two test...i nid to retain for 6 mths...OMG!!
haha...last exam is on 2nd june..
sori for not blogging...kinda bored and lazy to type,i mean uodate..haha..
lately been playing skates bck...
make me feel better...
i rather injured myself than staying at home...
u think i totally insane but i am a skater..
haha nth to sae abt...
and to fafaa..
we are actually fated but...its juz my time balance...
dat make u bored and alone..
i totally sori..but i hope i can gain back my old time wif u..
i wont let u leave from my heart..
and u can see..
i wan to sae smth seriously..
most gerls ask me for std or smth...
all i can NO!!
and i sae to them that i Love u oni...and i hated to be my old self...
really hate and i regret...
u wont leave? will u??
haha nvm...
let get to the topic..
er, exam??
haish i think is totally hard, and i dunno wad to study abt..
been lazy studying...
and this sundae meeting up wif my ITE frens..
and STUDY!

Monday, May 17, 2010

hey readers...

Hey readers..
haish sori for not blogging...
i wanna to tell u abt todae story..
morning wake up at 7am..and slp again until 730..cause too tired..
den bath..and went off to sch..
reach there ard 915am..
so late for class...forget it..
den we got our early break 11am to 1pm...2hr break..
haha, we chill2 at sch, smoke all...
haha...den todae doing test...
den i passed again..haha...very fun...
den went home...
rest...den meet up wif sal,yan,mamat,fauziah...
den we slack slack..until 11pm++
i reach home ard 12am..
den now texting my bhy...
i miz her..i never meet her ard 2 weeks plus...
haish..cause our timing and their timing for sch is totally different...
fafaaelmo got mid-yr exams and they end early...and for us...we go home late..-.-
no time for fafaaelmo..
i miz her badly...
and tot of buying iffah a i easy to text her...
so i need to work hard to earn anything i juz buy thing dat i wan..
I TOTALLY MIZ UR HUGS...very comfortable..and hoping we have a fate to get married..^^
and i totally like this pic...

its like a dedicate for me..haha..
i been thinking wad should i buy for for 2nd mth...
haha...i noe wad to buy?
haha...anyone can guess??
ok...anyone noe wad is it? tats great...but dun tell her..

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers...
i wanna tell u abt my jobs ytd...
haha...its was super slack..
ouhkk i tell u the full story ok??
erm..morning i woke up..wen to sch...
play dota in class..while doing project..but my fren was doing it too.. ard 12..i contact sal and shufian to meet me at harbourfront..
we meet up den we walk walk at harbourfront then we went to old workplace..
haha..i miz those daes at toysrus...haha...
den we meet faizal at mrt control station at harbourfront..den faizal ask one of the boy to help us to resort world...
we follow...we chat in bus...
den we drop off the bus and we sign in den we took our uniform..
sal took the gerl suit..LOL^^
den he change again..we go smoke...den we go to the outside the ballroom to have a briefing...brief brief den shufian kena scold by using my white specs..haha..
den we went to have our dinner...
after dinner, we start and sal having headache..
den i went to the toilet and rest for 30 mins...
haha...i washed my face and drink some warm water to refresh my mind...
den i was job is to direct people where they are going...
haha some part i dunno to answer...i ask them to asked my captain...
haha..and some of them hate do i look i care?? i juz doing my jobs?
erm den i and sal walk ard...walk walk...a woman ask we *where is the smoking area?? den she ask we are smoker??* we answer yupp^^
den we led her to smoking area...then shufian saw us then we go smoke..den suddenly, the manager came out and ask why we at here smoking?? salihin answer it..we got tell the captain tat we go smoke...den he walk away...
den got one part that is interesting...
the manager ask me to help the guest to carry their water to the seat places...
i went in the ballroom place..OMG!!! it was super nice...
there having concert called TEARS FOR FEARS!!
haha den i went out the ballroom..and sae, OMG!! VERY NICE!!
den i help again..i finish serving them..the person gave me the first tips..$10 bucks...i was damn hapi...den i was kena ask to help again....haha...
so i help...i talk to the guy for long tyme and went back...
sal told me...*i want to guess who got $50 bucks for todae?*
den i sae, noone will give la...
haha den wen packing time...
alot of the guest left...den i told sal...i wan to meet the guy i talk juz now..i wann to sae thnx for the chatting...
i look ard..den the guy i chat wif..went to me and gave me $50 BUCKS!!!!!
OMG!!!!! i was the one who is lucky!! he sae to me its great to noe me...
my nametag called Angeles...haha the guy i chat wif called me Angeles...
haha...then probably the manager is jealous...
den he went to me sae that is there is shortage in the cashier..they will come after me...then sal sae...he is the eye witness wad??!!!
finish everything..we go change..den went to convenience store...i bought new ciqq..
den shufian ask me...bro, can buy for me ciqq??
i sae wad? winner menthol??
he sae anything...he sae he will pay me bck?? i dunno whether that will happen or not?? i hope he will pay...den wait for rahmat...
salihin wan a gerl number...but shufian got the gerl salihin wanted..but shufian nvr gif-.-...LOL!!! I not nid...i GOT MY ONI GF!!
i took some of the workers number...
den saw rahmat...he told abt wad he did at banquet all..haha...pity him..
den took the bus transport...i slept inside the bus...i notice that tyme the bus at teban..den i was too tired.. i slept again..once i notice is at jurong west...
LOL i think the bus went pass...
den everyone went down left me...the bus driver left me opposite side of the jurong town pri-.- the place i nid to walk is very scary...
i juz walk slowly..and its ard 235pm...
i came home ard 240++
haish...den i slpt...
the next morning...i lazy to go sch..cause too tired...HAISH!!
den my teacher called my house this morning...
and sae..if i skip another class of his, he will ask me not to sch anymore..and tomorrow i finsh sch super late..-.-
i hate schling oredi!!!!!ARGH!!!!
haish...i really miz fafaaelmo..
i miz my elmo!!!
Fridae then i meet her..i will hug u as tight i wan!!
Bye readers...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

hey readers...

Hey readers...
wah nowadaes is so called tiring and alot of fun...
todae went to wcp...shufian small sister birthdae... and shufian's big sis..plan to sabo nana..
haha...we plan to spray her and smash water bomb at her...
haha...we have fun alot...
den i like to disturb..deenee and nadiah..cause very fun..
haha...haish cant overnite todae..
cause tmw will be capella...
haha..but i scared they dun allowed us to work there cause we always slack..
haha..smoke break smoke break haish... the work is very fun..
i hope tmw Danial(my manager) nvr come...
haha..i hate him..
hehe...ok la tats all..
and thnx shufian,mamat and amirul for todae..
goodbye readers..

Welcome...TO MY PrOFiLe

HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...