Friday, April 1, 2011

Hey readers...

Hey i think its been years i nvr update my blog...i wanted to write to my blog cause... recently i was feeling down..cause i felt something wrong wif my new relationship...
i dunno..i met her ytd..we went out..but mostly wen we were outside.. we used to hug each other...but ytd..i juz feel weird... wif her fake smile i can noe.. its juz.. i dunnoe wad to sae...all i can sae is she has changed...i kinda hate it... i think i been crying for her... ytd.. i was like !!! why is people personalities is the same after u have stead wif her -.- i am so irritated...
OK watever....if u wanna left me...juz go ahead...i dun care... -.-

Bye readers...
(currently no mood)

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