Thursday, February 11, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers....
long tyme nvr post..
i hope u guys dun think its dead...but its alive..
LOL...mepek sia..haha
er, life is good but mostly at class bored...
i been feeling happier but..i was bad mood todae actually because smth happen
my mum noe tat i been smoking..wen i todae trying to take cigg and kena caught by my mum..haish wad a suay dae... u guys should hairstyle has change...from fringe to botak!! haha...but i been saving money to cut a design on my head...
like gangster like tat...haha..
in our campus, there is no gerls tat is so pretty that attract me..-.-
but now i no longer single..i have lead a new life..
so tats great...
i was happy that amirul got a gf..OMG!! haha congrats my fren..haha
last long ok ?? and i went ard jurong west to have my hair cut..but all close because everyone busy doing CNY!! HAISH!!
LAME AH!!den there is one shop open at 11.30 but i need to go cut be4 tmw.. actually...alamak...waste time sia.!!
i tot of going at 9 but after sch i need find my gerl..cause she going melacca...i will be lonely at singapore to wait for her arrival..haha....
now i notice i been typing so long..hahas...btw my class is the best..
tats all i wan to sae..
bye readers...

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