Friday, October 8, 2010

hey readers....

hey i wanna post abt the cammp i recently went tats is on the 5 oct till 8 oct...
day 1, i meet my frens at sch at 730am...cause we are going there at 8 am sharp..
but in the end the bus came late...-.-
when i reach there, i tot that we will be same team bt nt..
i was in grp 12..
the rest was different group..
i was sad ar...cause i dunno neither of them..
haish, i tot its gonna be totally bored...
haish..we sit in the circle n plan for the group name n flag design...den i play a game wif group 12...its call energizer, its like ice breaker bt we change the name...haha so i get to noe the other...they are quite fun people...
i really tot my team was totally suckers...
but wen the dae passed by...i feel its getting fun...
i was like wow...its a great camp...i never regret it..
we play alot of games...den we noe each of us better than the energizer
our trainer name is Ivinn bt we call him IronMan..
haha he is funny guy...i like him i mean in the way he make jokes..
den we had our lunch(outdoor cooking) n dinner and bath...n at nite...
we went to the Old Changi Hospital...WOW i was like OMFG!!!!isit for real..
its a challenge for ur own courage...i got a gerl partner..her name is maria...
she is i protect her...but i keep seeing things..i keep quiet cause i dunwan to scare her, so act brave...we got three destination and we are done...we were actually wanted to go further in but its too late to go in..
and too bad we nid to go back n go toilet clean urself and off to tent n slp...
we go debrief abt the activities we had for day 1....den we slp at tent....
Day 2
Morning wake up...
Bath, had breakfast...n off to pulau ubin to play our adventure..that is AMAZING race...woah...we completed all but...we were lost n took van bck to the place we begun,its was tiring until i am tired to cook for myself...den we were told to prepare the campfire thingy the dance all...
we had our dinner n off to think abt the campfire..
den off to bed...
Day 3
morning eat breakfast, bath...and we off to water event..
we are section b...we go to the changi beach to play the water event...
building a raft to stable ard 13 people..
we done it...and we off to the swimming pool to play game..
my eye brought problems...haish....its was painful...den we prepared the campfire n we go bath n try-outs our performance, it quite good n ok..
bt we did our best, we had our dinner and we started our campfire...
as we started the campfire...
i was the host wif my fren name khai..
we are the host for our campfire...for my team...
haha...its was funny, we memorise the script bt in the end i miss the they laugh...
haha although we done bad bt people claps for us...and sae Good job...
i totally hapi...
and on third dae, i met a gerl..
i was queuing up for taking a blaze camp shirt wif my own size...
i saw a gerl i was like wOW...i totally crush on her..
she stand behind me...i was bare foot....and she accidentally kick my leg...its was painful and she sae sori bt i sae nvm...
she was cute n like to smile alot..
she told her fren i wan Small size and i ask her to go infront of me...she told THANK u so fren (sathish) got the last Small size...and i told him to gave her...den my fren gave wif sad face...and the gerl sae thank u so much...i was totally hapi...totally hapi..i dunno why...and i sae to my fren sathish...i am sori...he sae that time i wanna noe her name i dunno wad to sae to her..
i was too me its was third time being shy to ask for a gerl name or number..
so i had fun in the campfire...we had debrief after the campfire...
Ironman told me alot abt myself...i was sad and hapi..cause it make me cry...
it was touching...he is the best trainer ever...
we ate our supper n den went to slp at not appropriate chalet room..
haha so juz slp...
Day 4
it was the last dae of the camp...i woke up late n straight to bathe,
den change oredi we went to the meeting place...
i saw that gerl again...i said hi...she respond...and she walk away..
i totally forget to ask her name....
haish....but she keep looking at me...
abt that gerl...she older than me by 1 yrs...i think..she is 18 yrs while i am 17..
but if its abt love...age doesnt count..
den we hug the trainer and shake hands...
btw we won the best group ever in the camp...
haha btw i forgot to tell u MY group Name is STEP UP CREW~!
my fren thought abt this grp name causei wear the hiphop hat is like the step up 3d...a guy resemble me...haha JUZ kidding..
so we took the bus bck to the sch and me n my fren lepak and went home...
THE BEST CAMP EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
THnx for reading...:)

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