Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hey readers...

hey readers...
tday nth special but getting creepy in my room dat happen on saturday...
i tell u the story...
sat, i went out wif fren n family,den i went home...
i play com until morning tats ard 3 to 5 am plus..
ard 12 am..i switch off lights...
den suddenly my tv was ch 8..
den i switch off the button..
den i went out to get my drink in the kitchen..
den th tv was on again for the second time dats ard 3 am...its getting creepier...
den i told my fren...dat i wan to go slp..
den i went slp..
the nxt day dat was ytd...
i got kenduri..haha i dunno the english words..
my auntie told me tat i was dancing in my room?? -.- i crazy ? dance at 3 am?
i was asleep...
my cousin oso heard i jumping...
-.- i was like wtf!
as for tday nth happen.btw i goin slp 10am...
gd nite everyone...

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