Tuesday, November 3, 2009

HEy readers...

My life getting bored...
i cant carry on wif toysrus...
its quite fun..but it way too far for me..
actually i need to have some freedom too but i keep work work..
i not used to it..
can u tell me?
whether i should carry on or find other jobs??
haish...i dunno...i work work...but money havent come to the bank yet..
i need 3 weeks and 6 daes den i can get money inside bank..
WTF!! long le..hahas..
maybe i juz carry on...but it work full shift..my leg will rot sia..
hahas..need buy new pair of legs..dat can stands for 1 yr den buy new one again...
hahas..ytd was horrible...
i do at entrance...i was like i have nth to do at entrance..
juz pick up calls and repair things..
pick calls i can do anytimes..cause i quite advance in pick up calls...
but wen comes to repair..i dunno abt it...
i have no childhood where i need to repair things..mostly my dad or mum repair things for me...
den abt my relationship status...oso single...
i getting bored of being single...i have been single ard 4 mths oredi
haish...my life needed a gerl who can really support me...
haish...if i std wif a gerl rite now..i think the gerl will feel miserable..
cause i work work later no time for my gerl..
i hard to think abt this...
but i really want to become a nicest bf ever...
can u think i can do that??
i have changed...not my old type anymore...
the ones who change me alot is joey...
next fatiha..she change me abit..
alot of gerls have change me..but joey is the one who change my life truly..
ok forget abt that...
now..i wanna sae..
should i find another job or stay??
ok bye readers...

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