Monday, November 23, 2009

HEy readers...

Hello readers...
todae post abit short..cause i not enough slp..
ytd oso tired like hell...dunno why..i slp well but damn in inside dream i working..hahas...
i went to workplace todae..cause got training for entrance people...
den i went i late for 30 mins..OMG!!
hahas not me late// bus late//
hahas...wen juz now training..i keep thinking abt my gerl...
i kena scold alot of time for being daydreaming...
i damn worried for my gerl..
she sick and i cant meet her..iMY her alot...
i dunno wad to sae..i keep thinkin how is she??
i msg her but she nvr reply me..i feel bad wen i not beside taking care of her..
i juz hope tat she is ok and she muz rest at home...
no matter is important...
if i sick or bone fracture, i dun care abt my health but if my gerl is sick...
i damn worried..i willing to sacrifice..
tats all...
i feel tat i wont be slping for a few daes..
alot of thing is inside my mind...
need to figure out one by one...
tats all.. bye bye..DADA//
TAke care of urself dear...

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