Saturday, November 7, 2009

HEy readers...

hello readers..
i wanna to talk abt ytd...
morning wake up..
den bath...den call call shufian, he nvr pick up...
Hmph...den i went to sch cause got open house..
i went in, wah.. i saw alot of my favourite teacher...
hahas..den walk walk, saw joey...hahas...
den walk walk saw wif her...
den walk walk again, went inside library..
den go out of library...
den went home..
den meet haikal, fareez den went to play soccer at rulang..
we won alot of time..
got one part..
one indian team play wif us..
den act gangster...walao...they useless la...
act can goal oni...
i keeper, no way they can score..i oni can let them score 1 or ..not more than that..
den after rulang...we walk to boon play another street soccer there...
play for awhile den me and haikal...walk home...haish pity us..D:
den stay at home play com den got abit headache, den i straight away slp sia...
cannot tahan...
dat all for todae post..
BYe readers..

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