Saturday, November 28, 2009

hey readers...

HEy morning everyone...
i was so called aslp..
i was damn tired for the aids walk thingy..
we got shirt and goodie bags..
wen i check the goodie bags..
i found something that seems wrong..

hahas do wear condoms...!!
okok den after the walk thingy..we walk walk..
den go atm machine..i went to check how much i have in bank..den my pay was oredi there den i was like OMG!! i got $438.90..den we go ard ion orchard..
den i pass by one shop that is M1 shop..
because i been wandering for new student plan..
erm wif the phone cost $48 dollars..
and at my place is cost $68 dollars..
so i plan todae i going to buy it..wif my sister in law..
den walk walk again...make a jokes cause every body so called tired..
so i make jokes and they are having fun...
den we walk arab street den eat near bugis junction the opposite side..
the old kopitiam that is halal la...
hahas...den me and the rest...follow me and haikal, to get our band hero!!FOR WII!!

OMG we finally got was our dream and we finally got it..
dats y i wanna tell u hard juz for the sake of money...
den went haikal house, we rock the house...
we play the band hero from 8 plus to 10.30pm..
omg it was totally fun...
we bought it for $299..
we pay half half..
150 150..
fair and square..
hahas..den went home..i was resting..den aslp..
but i actually need to call her...
but i was aslp..damn it..
ok la tats all...
i wanna sae to haikal,lydia,munchui,sinar N mai...
thnx for everything...i mean wen we spend tyme like we used to do..
it was fun expecially for me is at dhouby ghout side..
i shout *pe punya bau* u all laugh..
and wen we going expo..
me and haikal was trying to follow the *who line is it anyways?*
den we do the abt play safe thingy..
hahas,ok bye..

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