Tuesday, December 1, 2009

hey readers..

Hey readers..
how are u all..??
miz me? hahas...
i long tyme nvr post ar..
hahas kinda happy staying at my bro house,
alot of things happen...i thinking of quiting toysrus and work wif my god father,
i think kinda fun..
i miz her alot,i want to noe how is she,
haish..my iphone is spoilt..WTF!!
haish, maybe buying new hp..
den i will tell u all my new no..
i want to dye my hair too but i dunno wad colour..
wad do u think??
brown? hahas but alot of matrep used that colour..
yoyo.. i kinda bored rite now,
and i miss all my fren again..
hAISH i kinda miz her most..
but i think i can still contact her..
hahas,ok tats all..
no new pic or smth..
hahas..ok cool rite..
i will be helping my god father stall..at jln bahar there..
the shop name is hafiy nasi padang, hahas..we used my brother son..
hahas..that's all..
bye readers..

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