Saturday, March 20, 2010

hey readers...

HEy readers...
i will be talking abt yesterdae story...
morning..wake up,msg her...den went out...go sheng siong buy things...
den went home...den take my ezlink without card holder...
haish my card holder been eaten!! haha, by fafa!! hahaha...
den i went to her house..we sat outside...we talk talk talk...
her sis went to vivo wif her bf...den i went in her house...
we watch cartoon..hahaha...da lama sey tk tgk..haha since i sec 2 dat was the super last to watch cartoon..den watch watch, until 4pm..den i went out..go smoke..
and wait for her downstairs...
wait wait..very long but nvm cause i got cigg..i can smoke anytime..hahaha..
den she came down and we go boon lay shopping centre...
i bought bubble..and i need to go off...
meet haikal and salihin at jp( CHEERS )
den me and haikal took pic at clementi

haha..we go to clementi and play LAN!!
L4D2 haha..very fun..
but i keep dying..
haha...den we went to jp bck again...then saw sal parents...we go eat and me and salihin is finding people who is smoking...
den buy from them..haha mcm tk tau malu..
i smoke finish mine...HAISH!! den got one uncle gave us two stick for free...wah so kind one ar?? haha and salihin finding place to smoke..den smoke oredi..
we play swing..haha..

den i slept over salihin house...
thats all for todae...

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