Monday, June 21, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers...
todae morning we went to ITE CCK!!!
so for todae i will post pic oni..

Our workshop^^

the HALL!!

we walking towards to the field...
i wanna sae its too bad that maybe the soccer field is not carpet type..:(

soccer field...goal post having put yet..haha

Running track

7-11 store...havent open yet..and i forgot to take pic of the shop n save...
and i forgot to take pic of the swimming pool..

Our theory class.

the thearette...its like republic poly man!!
NOW its the canteen!!! it TOTALLY FREAK U OUT!!!

tats all for ITE CCK!!
and there are remaining pics...

tats alls....
thank u for browsing my blog..
there is more inside ITE CCK And there is bubble tea and so oN!!
ok bye readers...

Monday, June 14, 2010

hey readers..

hey readers..
i wanna talk abt last saturdae..
morning wake up ard afternoon cause fridae i slept at 5am...i cant slp..
den wake ard 2pm...haha late rite??
ard 5 plus... my mum, my sis and me went to jp to walk walk...
we went to see movie at 7.10pm...we watch the karate kid..
it was absolutely awesome...
i feel like watching again...
so be4 we watch movie we walk walk..
i ask my sis to buy for me cotton on..
so my sis bought pants and the slipper cost $ rite??
haha...den went to chameleon and so we went to the movie place to buy popcorn and hotdogs LONG!! haha...
den the movie end at ard 9 to 10 pm...damn late..haha...
but its a great show...
i maybe watch again..if i got my own money..
haha...anyone want to join me??
ok thats all for tdae..
this the pic of karate kid..

bye readers...

Friday, June 11, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers..
todae was absolutely fun!!
haha first...
morning wake up den play com..
den go bath and pack my things..
den meet yan and mirul at lakeside..
den we go bnly awhile to buy smth..
den we met valentino at j.e.
den he told us that stupid chicken cant wake up.. we went without them..
me, yan, valentino and mirul will have fun at sentosa...but too bad amirul cant swim..the family nvr let him..
we reached harbourfront...we went to the universal studio..we bought the popcorn it was very nice bt very expensive...small packet cost $!! but its worth it!!
and we took pic...but all the pic will be showing below...dun wori ^_^
haha...den we had fun we jump here and there...
den valentino got plan to make sand castle but in the end it end up to mountain haha..^^
den we bath, we walk walk at universal studio again and we go to the universal and we stand there see the EARTH!! haha...den beside me got one chinese gerl..i look at her and she smile to me, yan saw it and he hapi for me ^_^? haha..
but i oni go to one gerl...the gerl quite cute...but i got someone in my heart oredi...i will chase her no matter wad...
and we walk walk at vivo until its ard 10 plus..
haha den we went to the mrt...shufian cant go in cause not enough money to go in...left 0.70 cent haha...den amirul and valentino took i accompany shufian to take bus...and alot of stupid indians bastard shout excuse alot of time like the bus running away...we pushed them and we are in the bus...we went to the second level...den the stupid bangla disturbing them...i stared at them siak..
like F**K siak...damn IRRITATING!!
den i went off and play My MMA FIGHTER!! my league...i want to win my league...
ok time for picture^_^


this is my trademark(THE PYRAMID)...Yan and mirul is posing my trademark...

yan did my hair...
THNX YAN ^_^!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers..
HOW are u guys??
been skating recently...
ytd...we plan to skate at bukit batok..
at 11am...den i woke up late and my body was damn painful..
Mat,Yan meet up at haikal oredi..
i damn lazy to go la..
haha...den mat told me not nid to bring my i wen to haikal without bringing my skate...den wen i reach haikal house...den slack for awhile...den haikal told me to bring my skate...den i wen home and skate to haikal road was very slippery..haha nvm...wen to haikal house...den i wan to use haikal wheel for the moment....den i hold the wheel and bearing...haikal wif hammer...i hold and he hit and the ball bearing hit his eye..and his eye was totally red..haha..
den we wait until his eye ok den we go...tats was ard 3pm..
haha..we took..bus 98..
we skate to there..
den...skate skate skate...i hit my knee left and right..
it was totally painful...
den wen going home time ard 7pm..
i started my crazyness...
i disturb people..haha..
haha...haikal and the rest was laughing..haha,
den i been text iffah..
haha...den we rest at haikal house den i wif mat,yan slack at fork n spoon for awhile and me and mat took bus home..
i was damn tired..
i play com until 2am..and i sae gdnite to iffah and KEBOOM!!!
todae.i planing to stay at home..cause my whole body was in pain
and tomorrow..will be going to sentosa...for our SENIOR FBJ OUTING!!
will be taking pic and video..
so stay tuned to YOUTUBE!!^^
bye readers..

Friday, June 4, 2010


Hey readers..
i totally bck to original MOALLIM!!
i have been to my old skate life..
haha...but my wheel worn out..
and keeping money to buy new wheels and frames..
i totally excited to skate wif my old frens..
bt i bck to original noob skaters..
i forgot to grind haha..
last tyme...i hardcore...haha jkjk...nt so hardcore..
who wan play rollerblade wif me?? anything call me ok?
HOlidae?? lets us have fun^^
been contact some of my old frens and my ex gf..^^
been hanging wif haikal...
when can i be in Ite cck?
i juz cant wait..
haha...i cant imagine how many people are in that college..
haish i cant be a soccer nvm...skaters will be there for me..^^
orite readers..

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

hey readers...

Hey readers..
i am updating bck..
i totally fine now..
dun wori abt me..
like Yan already JUNE!!!
and we promise to cut down as many we can...
haha...juz bought Marlboro Menthol..
haha... dun wori i will cut down..^_^
todae paper was super hard for me cause some i study are hard to remember..
haha..i think i failed this tyme..haish...wad a bad dae..
haha.. dun wori although i failed..i pass my last two test before..
so i am ok wif it...
bt haish so sad tat i highly percentage tat i can failed this exam..:(
NVM!!! BTW ITE CHOA CHU KANG is waiting for US!!!
haha...cant wait..^_^
erm...JUNE HOLIDAE? wad should i do??
working or slack?
haha not sure...^_^
work can get money...but alwaes get tired? haha hate wen i tired..
Btw Thnk u mat...for the monster hunter item u given me..
its wonderful!!
haha...and to yan...HOPE U can get bck to sch...So can go to ITE cck together..
haha...OK lah tats all..
Bye readers..

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HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...