Thursday, June 10, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers..
HOW are u guys??
been skating recently...
ytd...we plan to skate at bukit batok..
at 11am...den i woke up late and my body was damn painful..
Mat,Yan meet up at haikal oredi..
i damn lazy to go la..
haha...den mat told me not nid to bring my i wen to haikal without bringing my skate...den wen i reach haikal house...den slack for awhile...den haikal told me to bring my skate...den i wen home and skate to haikal road was very slippery..haha nvm...wen to haikal house...den i wan to use haikal wheel for the moment....den i hold the wheel and bearing...haikal wif hammer...i hold and he hit and the ball bearing hit his eye..and his eye was totally red..haha..
den we wait until his eye ok den we go...tats was ard 3pm..
haha..we took..bus 98..
we skate to there..
den...skate skate skate...i hit my knee left and right..
it was totally painful...
den wen going home time ard 7pm..
i started my crazyness...
i disturb people..haha..
haha...haikal and the rest was laughing..haha,
den i been text iffah..
haha...den we rest at haikal house den i wif mat,yan slack at fork n spoon for awhile and me and mat took bus home..
i was damn tired..
i play com until 2am..and i sae gdnite to iffah and KEBOOM!!!
todae.i planing to stay at home..cause my whole body was in pain
and tomorrow..will be going to sentosa...for our SENIOR FBJ OUTING!!
will be taking pic and video..
so stay tuned to YOUTUBE!!^^
bye readers..

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HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...