Friday, October 30, 2009

HEy readers...

hey readers...
hahas...long tyme nvr blog..i mean post..
hahas...every dae work but i need off dae too..
too tired..i now at toysrus doing this work called BIG *M*
the work damn slacking and super boring...
cause..everytyme i make something i keep yawning..
wTF!!haish nvm ar...wah one of my crew...her pay was $800 ++ wah...damn alot sia...
i muz work hard get $1000++ hahas...i will get the chance...and any event..
HAish...wat to do...i getting bored..of home and work abit...haish..
let me tell u story of ytd...
ytd i got nth to sae anything..all the same...
den at night, i nvr go home..i straight meet haikal, cause he sae he wan meet sal and fareez...den i was like ouhya long tyme nvr meet go meet them..den haikal receive a message...saying that to ask moallim go home and take soccer ball...
hahas...LOL den i went home...
i take my ball den put bag..
den text haikal to board the bus i taking...
be4 that got karti..hahas talk to him quite funny...
hahas...den me and haikal inside bus keep laughing cause i make him laugh until like there is no tomorrow... den saw them at bus stop..den i make fun of fareez..saying he wear batam pants..hahas..jokin oni ar ais...
hahas...den we play soccer...den 10 plus the lights out sia..
den i sae who nvr pay the street soccer lights?? hahas..LOL la me...LAME~!
hahas...den we walk walk..den think...want play LAN?
we play dota for 1 hr...quite funni...hahas...
den ard 11 plus den everyone all// separate go home...
tats all READERS!!
todae maybe go skate..or either tomorrow...

Monday, October 26, 2009

HEy readers...

Hello readers...
ytd was absolutely fun and super tiring...
ytd morning ard 7.45am go out from house...den reach there ard 8.48am..
den walk walk..went in the harbourfront the shopping centre...
went in cheers and get a red bull for making me awake..i damn slpy...
den morning, start working, briefing first blablabla...
den i muz do entrance...walao at first i was scared..
but then i ok ok but if got repair things or something i dunno...hahas..i very stupid sia...
if entrance, i think i can talk alone buy repair, i need someone wif me..
i was stress here and call there..half way i saw my sis, walking pass, but the working can sae slacking but cant cause cameras are everywhere...
so work work...i actually morning shift that is 9.15am to 6.30 pm...
but wen i going of my supervisor sae to me, can u work full? den i was like think at home i do wad ar? nth to do so i sae ya..i can work full, somemore i need money too mah...
wen morning going inside toysrus i took some pics..

my locker...hahas..

before punch in i took one pic of myself...
wah ytd i was working until 11.20 pm...den go out lucky i saw was last bus of 30..
i was like chasing after a dog sia..hahas jkjk...todae i working but afternoon shift..confirm until 11pm..hahas...sadded..den the next dae oso work, morning...die!!
hahas...i going die sia like this...nvrmind thursdae i off den fridae work again..LOL!! ok tats all..

Friday, October 23, 2009


HEy readers...
i damn bored..
i damn bored at home..
pls let me work FULL TIME~~
damn u...hahas...
part time is ok...but this time, i really like this kind of work..
while working can slack...!!
now chatting wif joey for awhile..cause we two are bored at home...
hahas...u noe wad i doing at home if i nvr work??
I watch anime only entertainment...
ok la...i post oni short post..
getting bored...
bye readers..

Thursday, October 22, 2009

hey readers...

Hello readers..
long tyme nvr post...
hahas...quite bz this daes...
cause i been working at vivo there...
at toysrus..there quite fun...hahas...
blablabla...alot thing to do...
last tuesdae was my first dae...
wah i until overtime..i from 1.45pm until 11.15pm like that..
wah nvm i sae first dae always like that...den the next dae that was was ytd was slacking and one of the supervisor...named abg wandi...
he quite funny and fun too cause he got alot of stories...
we went to upper bukit timah..den fix people stuff there...den after fixing, we gotten a two can from the owner of the house...den we drink while walking then the bro sae we slack ar...for awhile wen time to punch out, den we go back store...hahas..i was like OK OK!! fun like that...den we walk walk, den the manager ask we to go to sembawang CL..den we go to the house, nice house but wen we gotten a drink its was bastard drink, we so tired, they give us plain water...walao..we nvr drink finish...we juz go bck store and punch out...
den todae..quite boring...i was told by the boss to go home early...not FAIR!! i want to work...dat cb!!...argh damn it...
todae i work morning shift, from 9.15am to 2.20pm..
damn it...damn bored..den i met my sis at dbs bank at harbourfront..
den she do her things den we went home taking bus 30...
den now i update ar cause i bored mah..and i now going to watch anime...

Monday, October 19, 2009

hello readers...

Hello readers..
dun worry my blog wont die one...
ok...lets talk a few daes ago...
erm ok let start wif i work at ship there..
i went to my fren house, go ton his house...
den watch movie...den we were laughing like hell...
erm the movie is *IMAGINE THAT*!!
the story damn nice...
hahas...den next morning...follow his dad to his workplace...make a card den go in...
wah abit cool and the security damn tight...


den we walk walk see see look look...
wah damn big..!!

erm den we went inside the so called ship...

den we walk walk...den went inside..wah damn big..
and haikal father showing example how he work...

while he working we took some pics...


den after took some pics..
haikal went to toilet so i follow...
wah the toilet damn far...
nvm juz walk..
den outside toilet got mirror...den took some pics..

den we walk walk..den finish watching...den we got our $20 dollars...
ok den the next dae..sit at home on9 wif chermaine...
she very cute...
hahas...den text iffah, cynthia, myra...lot of peoples...
den now chatting wif chermaine...
erm everyone wish me luck for tmw..
tmw i start work at toysrus..confirm fun and tiring one...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

HEy readers...

Hello readers...
i wanted to write abt ytd but i tot Cynthia upload the pic all ytd but nvr...
so nvr post..hahas...
but todae nth to do juz post abt ytd ar...
erm ytd morning wake up...
den chiong to bath cause i tot i was late...
den msg valentino where him...den he sae meet at outside ya kun...
den i sae ouh ok ok...
den reached there sae eric...
den i ask him where the rest?? he sae all late...den i was like??!!
hahas...den meet valentino and eric, den we went inside jp...walk walk...
den went inside arcade...
den eric and valentino play games...
den jiewen and cynthia came in first...
den i was like psps...dunno why...
hahas...den jiewen frens all came...
we play arcade all...den jitwee came...
den we watched

Haeundae : The Deadly Tsunami
it was very touching...but some part i laugh very loud..hahas wen tsunami came, got one gerl stuck inside toilet...hahas...
den need wait one more person...
den he reach...wah i was like OMG...he has a nice hair...
hahas, very nice.. and he walk like cool cool type of person...
den all gather...
den we went to west coast park...
we took bus 30...we waited damn long den all like dunno where to stop...hahas...
den we stop...den we reach west coast then play play...
den all jiewen fren all went home...
den me, valentino, eric, jitwee, jiewen, Cynthia took bus 30 back home...
den i been msging to msg her...
hahas...she is interesting gerl..and she is cute too...
i forgot to one part...i play soccer...wif adults, all got muscle very big...den i got the ball i kena hit den fly sia...and my forehead there got scratches..
ok ok...den i reach home first...
den bath went out again meet haikal...
den we went boon lay shopping centre..
den we play Lan..we play counter strike...
hahas...i lose alot but still low la..ard 4 or 5 loses oni...
den went home took bus 246...den i make funny stuff...haikal laugh aloud sia...
den haikal go off den he shout, at the bus, u are the oni passenger, den i was freaking out..bus 246 very spooky sometimes...
den reach home...
den switch on com..den chat wif cynthia..
den chat chat...den all log out liao..too tired...
den go slp...
then for todae journey...
we going to ITE balestier to have a tour...
den fridae, me and haikal having a interview at toysaurus at vivo there...
so if i get the job, do find me there orite??
thats all...if i got pictures i upload ok?
bye readers..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Todae short post..

HEy readers...
todae short post oni...
todae,me, valentino, amirul and shufian went to Watch STOMP 2009!!
damn fun and funny but at some point very bored...

den we walk walk...valentino go off first..go to bugis...
so me, amirul and shufian go tzeling all...
den the two boys go eat...
i diet ar...
hahas...den i went home, and exercise..
i wan to make my body build up...confirm nice...
and train my sparring...
thats all...
bye readers

Friday, October 9, 2009

HEy readers...

Hey readers...
i wanna sae...
alot of things..that happen,
firstly..i really wanna pass all my N level exams...
i wan get more aggregate points...
so i can choose more option to get that course...
but i think the oni place for me is chef...
and on the 8 oct...morning went sch...
as promise...i gave fatiha a hug...
a farewell hug...
after that...i went home...den slp awhile den meet frens
afternoon play bowling wif frens first den go adventure at night...
damn shocking...den walk walk alot...den at night slpt at haikal's house...
den morning wake up den went home...
den haikal text me sae wanna come my house cook spaghetti..
den i sae orite...den go there..wif skates..
den play at inside jurong stadium...
den go lakepark skatepark..7 plus went home...
den me , haikal and haikal cousin..skateboarder..
den went haikal house...den train muscle abit den me learn to spar more...
and i got weak point but not going to tell...sori...
hahas...den skate back home ard 10.51pm
den now use com den watch anime...den slp..cause tmr got a special dae...
go to esplanade to watch STOMP 2009..den maybe we plan to go to bugis walk walk...
den sundae...go jln raya at teachers house...
den mondae go to sentosa...celebrating my frens birthdaes...four people birthdae total..hahas...
thats all for todae...
erm...this is for iffah...
i am sori if i nvr reply ur msg...
hahas quite bz rite now...
to fatiha
thanx for everythings...
to all my super super bestfren...
i wont forget u all...
u make me laugh, cry and angry...
thnx for all this memories...
really thnk u...see u in future...
hope we make frens unite gathering everytime..if we free...

Monday, October 5, 2009

HEy readers...

HEy readers...
todae i will be posting alot... has alot of funny things happen...hahas...
where should i start??
i think from morning ar...
morning..wake up...den change went to sch...saw fatiha...she wanted to give farewell hug...den i sae to her not now...i mean not todae..cause...still early...i sae thursdae den hug...cause got more hard feelings..
took exams...took paper 1..den went to haikal house..actually one to study but play games...hahas...den went to sch back...otw to sch, i disturb alot of people... to disturb people...
msging a gerl i noe...its fun to msg her...
wah damn hard for the paper 2...i damn stress...
Lucky Ebs super easy...
hahas, after exams...
went to 399...
den walk things...
den went to haikal house again...
talk talk...
i still disturb people...cause...its the way to make people laugh...
hahas...i like to make people laugh, then me and haikal and fareez play wii at haikal house...until ard 7 plus...den we went home..
den me and haikal plan to meet eddie...
haikal went mac first...
den i eat then bath...den go meet them...
den go study abit revise revise...
hahas...den after revise...
we went up near ktv...we went to dark place but nowhere to go, so go back to mac...
we discuss where to go... come the funny part...
erm eddie sae...why dun we go to near the 2.4 km the way to lakepark there...hahas ok ok den we reach there...
haikal was like pushing us...den sae *ehk ehk* hahas...he scared...i first tyme noe he abit scary cat...
hahas....den we carry on walking...hahas...den wen we reach some point...i abit scared...cause...some people noe why la...
i go to intan...i hold her tight...hahas...scared sia but actually the time we go is not to scary...hahas...i actually wanted to go to OCH!! haish nobody ask me to go there...den ok continue...den we play games...
two by two walk...
first team...
Intan and xinyi...
second team..
haikal and me...
third team...
eddie and fatin...
hahas...the first group walk first...
damn far...
hahas...den i keep quiet...i saw something..others too...
but not confirm ar...
den me and haikal walk...
haikal grab me like hell nvm...let him...
den got one people...jogging...looking at me n haikal like we two gay..hahas..OMG...
haikal scared that why he do that...haish people think like stupid sia...
den on the way i sae to haikal dun so least talk...we chat...
den i noe somebody running...
eddie screamed then was like omg!!! haikal ran DEN SHOUT MOALLIM MOALLIM....
den i was u noe people damn scared....hahas..i think this is the last memories i have to keep...
den we went back to mac but otw got the tree...very damn scary...
den we reached mac...
sit awhile oni den the rest went home...
den me and haikal went to sheng la...
erm bought beer...but not la...

den my bro family came...
den i play wif him awhile...

thats all...
bye reader...

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hey readers...

Hey readers...
wanna tell u all abt ytd...
hahas...i text shufian...den he replied...
he sae come to mac now..den i went there...
saw sec 1 people...erm den shufian ask me whether i go haikal open house...
den i was like..i dunno anythink...hahas...
den i text haikal saying dat wah u nvr ask me go ur open house, den he sae how i noe?
Den i sae i was told by shufian...den he sae *ouh*
hahas, after eat at kfc...den shufian went home wif one gerl...den meet at superbowl..
den me and haikal play arcade for awhile...den play pool...wah fun i won twice...
hahas...not haikal dae i think...he pro in pool actually...dunno why suddenly i won.. hahas..den went to haikal openhouse...alot of his relatives and his mom frens...
den we chat chat...tot of following shufian and other to lantern festival...but nah...confirm tired super nvr follow...hahas...den went home for awhile took medicine.. den went to haikal house again...i heard that they wanna watch movie, i was like wah happy cause at night if watch ghost movie confirm nice...but at last nvr watch cause...limbin and his gf watch liao..hahas, so nvm...
we went to jurong point the park there...
den me, koon, janick and zhenghua...disturb bangla...hahas funny sia...
erm koon lead the way...den he shout something we muz jump...
den koon go to bangla shout snake i think...den we jump...den koon go pull the bangla saying below got and janick was laughing like hell...
den everyone went home cause scared no last bus...hahas..
den me,haikal,janick and zhenghua...
me and haikal bought food..den we took our last bus...154...
and suddenly got one scary thing happen...
in the one person...BAPOK!!!
he sit infront haikal...i was like WTF!!
hahas...den we reaching our destination...
haikal was laughing...den i ask zhenghua press bell den he dun i press...den faster go out...hahas...den i was like...shout hantu mean ghost breast...hahas....
den on the way home...we saw another two bapok...WTF again...
erm zhenghua nvr follow he went home...
den we went to 7 eleven..we bought green tea...
den we went back to haikal house... cause i toning his house...
den we play games and janick went home...cause to tired...hahas
den bla bla bla...we play games until 3 plus...den we chat for awhile den BAM!!
den went medicine den going out soon...
go do last revision...
see ya...

Friday, October 2, 2009

HEy readers...

Hey readers...
i was sad this time...
i going to have my N level for the last tyme...
and i am sick...
and kena scold by my dad...cause he cared abt me...
he scold me and my mum...cause he ask my mom...why am i not recovering...
i was like dunno wad to sae...den ytd..took my medicine...den my dad came home, take a look at me...den he shout...lets go to nearest hospital...the west point hospital...
then i was like OMG!! i going to slp and u ask me follow u to hospital...den i follow ar...cause..i muz get well soon...den check up thingy...den kena injection...then this time super pain...i bear wif it...i nvr took injection since macdonald thingy...haish, i look at the brother that gave me the injection..hahas..then i think wen this injection going to finish...the feeling was like he putting cement at my arm...hahas...
den go to the counter pay $71 expensive, den my7 dad sae expensive is nothing but health is important...u still young my dad sae...
den went home...wash leg and face...
den wen to slp..den out of nowhere...i shout...
cause, the injection thingy very painful...
i shout and shout...and shout saying pain and i sweating...i switch on the fan to max...i still sweating, den i shout i very hot...den...
i think abt dunno wad...ouh i noe something..cause..i was alone...
i think u guys dun believe...i heard somebody whispering to my ear...saying go to slp...den it touch my chest...den i calm down...den i went to slp...
den i woke rashes getting alot...and abt my jln raya...i have to cancel...
i need to go to malay ( bomoh )
den he sae bla bla...watever thingy...
hahas...i dun believe...watever...
i oso dunno how to take my N level...if i like this...Haish...Why muz this stupid sickness come this time round...
haish...i think it sae i muz study at home...dun go out and have fun...
hahas...i think the other having fun...haish...den i asked my sis buy for my Kfc...
hahas...den she go buy for me...she very kind...
i damn i think i go study more better...hahas...
so guys out there...
I wish u for the last tyme...
and pray for me to get well soon...
I want to Be SOCCER PLAYER>..<
wish for me that too, and wish for me to be no. one chef too...
ok...last thing...
to my juniors of JSS...
study well orite??
hahas..i will remember u all orite..i hope u will remember me.. too...
bye readers...

Thursday, October 1, 2009


hey readers...
Sad sia...todae last dae of sch den i nvr go sch... u noe why??
cause...i got stupid rashes on my body,
ARGH!! wanted to play soccer wif Mr. nur for the last tyme...OMG!!
cant even go rashes getting worses...OMG how am i going to take N level??
FUCK SIA...haiyo...
hope saturdae or sundae i will be fine...
pls god...THis is my last chance to go a better ITE...
PLS...cure me a faster way....
thnx god...
Bye readers...

Welcome...TO MY PrOFiLe

HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...