Monday, October 26, 2009

HEy readers...

Hello readers...
ytd was absolutely fun and super tiring...
ytd morning ard 7.45am go out from house...den reach there ard 8.48am..
den walk walk..went in the harbourfront the shopping centre...
went in cheers and get a red bull for making me awake..i damn slpy...
den morning, start working, briefing first blablabla...
den i muz do entrance...walao at first i was scared..
but then i ok ok but if got repair things or something i dunno...hahas..i very stupid sia...
if entrance, i think i can talk alone buy repair, i need someone wif me..
i was stress here and call there..half way i saw my sis, walking pass, but the working can sae slacking but cant cause cameras are everywhere...
so work work...i actually morning shift that is 9.15am to 6.30 pm...
but wen i going of my supervisor sae to me, can u work full? den i was like think at home i do wad ar? nth to do so i sae ya..i can work full, somemore i need money too mah...
wen morning going inside toysrus i took some pics..

my locker...hahas..

before punch in i took one pic of myself...
wah ytd i was working until 11.20 pm...den go out lucky i saw was last bus of 30..
i was like chasing after a dog sia..hahas jkjk...todae i working but afternoon shift..confirm until 11pm..hahas...sadded..den the next dae oso work, morning...die!!
hahas...i going die sia like this...nvrmind thursdae i off den fridae work again..LOL!! ok tats all..

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