Wednesday, October 14, 2009

HEy readers...

Hello readers...
i wanted to write abt ytd but i tot Cynthia upload the pic all ytd but nvr...
so nvr post..hahas...
but todae nth to do juz post abt ytd ar...
erm ytd morning wake up...
den chiong to bath cause i tot i was late...
den msg valentino where him...den he sae meet at outside ya kun...
den i sae ouh ok ok...
den reached there sae eric...
den i ask him where the rest?? he sae all late...den i was like??!!
hahas...den meet valentino and eric, den we went inside jp...walk walk...
den went inside arcade...
den eric and valentino play games...
den jiewen and cynthia came in first...
den i was like psps...dunno why...
hahas...den jiewen frens all came...
we play arcade all...den jitwee came...
den we watched

Haeundae : The Deadly Tsunami
it was very touching...but some part i laugh very loud..hahas wen tsunami came, got one gerl stuck inside toilet...hahas...
den need wait one more person...
den he reach...wah i was like OMG...he has a nice hair...
hahas, very nice.. and he walk like cool cool type of person...
den all gather...
den we went to west coast park...
we took bus 30...we waited damn long den all like dunno where to stop...hahas...
den we stop...den we reach west coast then play play...
den all jiewen fren all went home...
den me, valentino, eric, jitwee, jiewen, Cynthia took bus 30 back home...
den i been msging to msg her...
hahas...she is interesting gerl..and she is cute too...
i forgot to one part...i play soccer...wif adults, all got muscle very big...den i got the ball i kena hit den fly sia...and my forehead there got scratches..
ok ok...den i reach home first...
den bath went out again meet haikal...
den we went boon lay shopping centre..
den we play Lan..we play counter strike...
hahas...i lose alot but still low la..ard 4 or 5 loses oni...
den went home took bus 246...den i make funny stuff...haikal laugh aloud sia...
den haikal go off den he shout, at the bus, u are the oni passenger, den i was freaking out..bus 246 very spooky sometimes...
den reach home...
den switch on com..den chat wif cynthia..
den chat chat...den all log out liao..too tired...
den go slp...
then for todae journey...
we going to ITE balestier to have a tour...
den fridae, me and haikal having a interview at toysaurus at vivo there...
so if i get the job, do find me there orite??
thats all...if i got pictures i upload ok?
bye readers..

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