Monday, October 5, 2009

HEy readers...

HEy readers...
todae i will be posting alot... has alot of funny things happen...hahas...
where should i start??
i think from morning ar...
morning..wake up...den change went to sch...saw fatiha...she wanted to give farewell hug...den i sae to her not now...i mean not todae..cause...still early...i sae thursdae den hug...cause got more hard feelings..
took exams...took paper 1..den went to haikal house..actually one to study but play games...hahas...den went to sch back...otw to sch, i disturb alot of people... to disturb people...
msging a gerl i noe...its fun to msg her...
wah damn hard for the paper 2...i damn stress...
Lucky Ebs super easy...
hahas, after exams...
went to 399...
den walk things...
den went to haikal house again...
talk talk...
i still disturb people...cause...its the way to make people laugh...
hahas...i like to make people laugh, then me and haikal and fareez play wii at haikal house...until ard 7 plus...den we went home..
den me and haikal plan to meet eddie...
haikal went mac first...
den i eat then bath...den go meet them...
den go study abit revise revise...
hahas...den after revise...
we went up near ktv...we went to dark place but nowhere to go, so go back to mac...
we discuss where to go... come the funny part...
erm eddie sae...why dun we go to near the 2.4 km the way to lakepark there...hahas ok ok den we reach there...
haikal was like pushing us...den sae *ehk ehk* hahas...he scared...i first tyme noe he abit scary cat...
hahas....den we carry on walking...hahas...den wen we reach some point...i abit scared...cause...some people noe why la...
i go to intan...i hold her tight...hahas...scared sia but actually the time we go is not to scary...hahas...i actually wanted to go to OCH!! haish nobody ask me to go there...den ok continue...den we play games...
two by two walk...
first team...
Intan and xinyi...
second team..
haikal and me...
third team...
eddie and fatin...
hahas...the first group walk first...
damn far...
hahas...den i keep quiet...i saw something..others too...
but not confirm ar...
den me and haikal walk...
haikal grab me like hell nvm...let him...
den got one people...jogging...looking at me n haikal like we two gay..hahas..OMG...
haikal scared that why he do that...haish people think like stupid sia...
den on the way i sae to haikal dun so least talk...we chat...
den i noe somebody running...
eddie screamed then was like omg!!! haikal ran DEN SHOUT MOALLIM MOALLIM....
den i was u noe people damn scared....hahas..i think this is the last memories i have to keep...
den we went back to mac but otw got the tree...very damn scary...
den we reached mac...
sit awhile oni den the rest went home...
den me and haikal went to sheng la...
erm bought beer...but not la...

den my bro family came...
den i play wif him awhile...

thats all...
bye reader...

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HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...