Saturday, October 3, 2009

Hey readers...

Hey readers...
wanna tell u all abt ytd...
hahas...i text shufian...den he replied...
he sae come to mac now..den i went there...
saw sec 1 people...erm den shufian ask me whether i go haikal open house...
den i was like..i dunno anythink...hahas...
den i text haikal saying dat wah u nvr ask me go ur open house, den he sae how i noe?
Den i sae i was told by shufian...den he sae *ouh*
hahas, after eat at kfc...den shufian went home wif one gerl...den meet at superbowl..
den me and haikal play arcade for awhile...den play pool...wah fun i won twice...
hahas...not haikal dae i think...he pro in pool actually...dunno why suddenly i won.. hahas..den went to haikal openhouse...alot of his relatives and his mom frens...
den we chat chat...tot of following shufian and other to lantern festival...but nah...confirm tired super nvr follow...hahas...den went home for awhile took medicine.. den went to haikal house again...i heard that they wanna watch movie, i was like wah happy cause at night if watch ghost movie confirm nice...but at last nvr watch cause...limbin and his gf watch liao..hahas, so nvm...
we went to jurong point the park there...
den me, koon, janick and zhenghua...disturb bangla...hahas funny sia...
erm koon lead the way...den he shout something we muz jump...
den koon go to bangla shout snake i think...den we jump...den koon go pull the bangla saying below got and janick was laughing like hell...
den everyone went home cause scared no last bus...hahas..
den me,haikal,janick and zhenghua...
me and haikal bought food..den we took our last bus...154...
and suddenly got one scary thing happen...
in the one person...BAPOK!!!
he sit infront haikal...i was like WTF!!
hahas...den we reaching our destination...
haikal was laughing...den i ask zhenghua press bell den he dun i press...den faster go out...hahas...den i was like...shout hantu mean ghost breast...hahas....
den on the way home...we saw another two bapok...WTF again...
erm zhenghua nvr follow he went home...
den we went to 7 eleven..we bought green tea...
den we went back to haikal house... cause i toning his house...
den we play games and janick went home...cause to tired...hahas
den bla bla bla...we play games until 3 plus...den we chat for awhile den BAM!!
den went medicine den going out soon...
go do last revision...
see ya...

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HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...