Wednesday, April 28, 2010

hey readers...

Hey readers...
wah it been so long i nvr update??
kinda tired nowadaes..i dunno why? but although i am tired...i always happy...u wanted to noe why?? it because of my gf...
haha...i am so hapi when i wif her..haha..
here is the pic iffah edit for me^^..

erm tmw will be our first month...
haha...kinda hapi dunno why??
i think it been so long i had a real relationship...
haha^^..mostly relationship i had..must have quarrel...but this time i and iffah have no quarrel be4..although i make mistake..or smth...i ask for forgiveness...iffah understand me...i love her so much!!! our relationship can last long!!
i love u so much iffah...
^^ I love my oni badut!! haha...
haha..rite now i ready for sch back..cause i been escaping or nvr come sch..and my teacher call up my i am going to keep up my absentees things..wad i miss out in studies...i left ard how many dae oni to study...OMG!!
and i am ready...
i been slping like alot of hours but i cant get up for sch, i dunno wad happen to me.. i changing to new person or still the same or to the bad person..
haha...gotta to test myself..
orite tats all i wann to sae todae..haha..
see u^^

Friday, April 16, 2010

hey readers...

Hey readers..
i will be posting abt ytd...
where should i start wif??
morning..i woke up..ard 7++
msg my darling...den meet shufian ard 1 plus..
i go buy my things first...den went home...i put my ezlink back to my green small bag..
den i walk out from house...walk walk...saw musfirah...den i talk to her..*u not meeting shufian??* den she blur blur...den she follow me...den i saw my darling...
den we suggest wanted to go 354, slack slack until 2.30..
wen i abt to board the bus.i been checking where is my ezlink..i like very dumb..
haha, i ran back home and i tot of my green bag...
make me paisey siak...
den i went to 354...we chat chat...den rahmat came..
den musfirah wanna go home...and my darl want to meet her frens..
me and shufian send off them by separating at lakeside bridge..
i send my darl and went to 7-11 at lakeside..den wait for shufian...
den we all went inside mrt station and waited for salihin at last cabin..
wah he damn late...
we reach harbourfront oredi...we tot that we are late...but...faisal call rahmat...
asking where we all...
we reach our workplace oredi...
the pei jun like cb...shout shout...colour hair,long hair, long finger nail...pls go home..or lend their things to cut nails, colour the hair black...and blablabla...
den we go change..
we go to the ball room...
we kena brief abt wad to be happen in the ball room later...blablabla...
we have our break...den we tot of wan to cabut...
but cannot..we went in...and got one part..very hard...
remove the bone from garoupa fish...and the shape of the fish is the butterfly shape...haish...i my fren all planing to our new frens..we met there...
den salihin dare me...* ehk moallim..u gangster rite??* sal sae to me...
so i juz walked out the ball room...
den meet my fren at smoking place...
bt then rahmat...want to go work...he took his table num sia?
den suddenly wen we waiting for bus transport...
rahmat..called us..he sae he wan to cabut too,
den i go run met him...and wait wait wait..i and shufian go smoke first...
den rahmat, went out we faster faster...go home..
btw we got took our pic...




so we took our transport bus...and we alight near vivo there..
i sae...we go change at toilet first...
we change..
den i suggest go..toysrus for awhile..
i wanted to see wad has change,
alot things has change...i mean oni for manager,clerks,and supervisor..
for supervisor..i misses alot is wandi...
and walk walk..i saw ASHIKIN!!!
i miz her..haha...wen i still working..
everytime..i went for break...
i will go wif her..and i misses one of my clerk too...
AFIDA! she quit...haish...
den i go disturb ashikin ytd..cause i miss those daes i work at toysrus..
den after walking...and playing(salihin and rahmat playing swords)-.-
haha...den we all took train...and one by one separate...
i reach home...i wash leg...den on com...den watch anime..den went to slp...too tired...
tats all for ytd..
Bye readers...

Monday, April 12, 2010

hey readers...

Hey readers..
todae was quite gd dae for me..
morning wake up..ard 6.30am..den went out ard 645am
met salihin at lakeside...den we went to jurong east to meet allim and karti..
we chat chat at mrt..den me, sal, karti go first...allim go to novena and take bus or smth i forgot..haha..
den we took todae newspaper...
and saw this title..

haha..i cant see properly?!
HAHA TATS TOO BAD!! CHELSEA TAKE THE LED RITE NOW!! NO other team can win against chelsea...
omg!! haha...
walk walk ard sch..had my p.e...
den ard 12pm...i went out to meet salihin and we went to meet shufian at amk same goes to rahmat...
me, sal, rahmat taking our pay...
shufian applying job..den after tat...we went jp..bought my new contacts..
more comfortable..haha..but its green colour..
haha,mcm incredible hulk!!
haha...den we go bwh chat..until 11pm..we went home in separate ways..
haha...tmw start at 9am..
so gonna slp fast..^^
bye readers..

Saturday, April 10, 2010

hey readers...

hey reader...
kinda bored...
dunno wad to do?
nowadaes stress...
kinda no mood..last tyme...there will be someone to cheer me up..
but now there will be longer to make me cheer up...
there will be prob alwaes..
i wanna ask...
i hate people calling me tat...
and now i juz lose one of my bro...
he alwaes think i change in bad person..
i am not..u made an outing...
actually i can come..but there will someone i hate...
and i dw to spoil that outing u made..
we been brothers for going 6 yrs..
and u are trying to forget me??
OK fine..
i wont disturb ur life..
..i nowadae...has been crying for nth...
i damn stress....super stress....
why cant i be normal kids??
i recently thinking abt dying bt i think again but...
it so childish to think abt that..
i still wan to ride my bike..
haha... i think i go to my own right path..
thats all...
bye readers...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers...
sori for not posting for long tyme..haha..
erm quite bz...erm...
last two daes..been staying at jian wen last chaos...
haha..kinda lame cause we went there juz to play his ps3 and com...
and me, sal, jianwen chat chat until morning.. working..
haha...our work super slack...I LIKE!!!
its fun to go out wif FafaaELMO...cause she make me laugh and feel ticklish...
haha...she my perfect gerl..dat can make me laugh all dae long..
haha...but its kinda hard wen i start schling later..cause..
my sch timing and jss sch timing different..
and dunno got time for each other i also dunno...
but i try to CABUT! haha..
juz to meet her..^^
ok la short post oni..^^

Friday, April 2, 2010

hey readers...

hey readers..
sori for not posting any details for last few daes...
i have problem to settle...
i have super bad feelings..
i dun noe wad to do...
HAISH!!!!ok let me tell u the full story...
its was on the 30/3/10...
me, rahmat, salihin and shufian...
me, rahmat and salihin juz finish our work..
den meet up wif taman jrg at blk 353...
den..we talk talk talk...we were smoking..den the police car went past us..
we ran away...we walk through the condo near to lakeside pri..
den we go to the big drain, we found a place to sit to relax and chill over there..
its ard 10 plus...i think..
den we go smoke and i finish it last and i threw it at the drain...
shufian sae *OUH SHIT*
den i ask why?? he sae that we cant throw things at the drain cause...u noe...smth may come to u...and u oni can see it and noones else...
den i sae sori sori...i dunno anything..
he sae nvm..and he sae dun do it again..
wen i was abt to sae out my secret to them...
got one bird...has weird sound...
i dunno wad to describe the bird but it has weird sound..
wen we go to the kopitiam...we talk abt our ghost experiences...
i had alot of it...den wen we look at the was ard 12 am i think..
den me, rahmat, and salihin..walk home...salihin was the long journey for him...
rahmat reach home first...
and wen i walk through jurong town pri..
it was the bird sound again...and it has the same tune..
i was follow me bck home..
den i called my house to open the gate...den my mum...serve me food..and wen i look outside the window...the bird make a sound..the weird song..and my dad sae it was a devil..called pontianak...
i was afraid...i told my frens that maybe the ghost fall in love wif me?? haha..jkjk..
i dunno wad to do...haish...i totally scared...den mostly i look outside the window or juz finish bath...i always heard that sound...even my mum heard it..
i think i should talk to the go far away from me..
i nvr disturb him/her..
okok change topic..
btw i gonna let u all noe tat i am att...on the 29/3/10
haha...the gerl name ar?? go find out..
ok thats all for todae story??

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