Sunday, June 7, 2009

hahas....TOdae more tired...

Todae...i woke up and...ask my mum...todae go out wif family or not...den my mum say maybe no...den i got three plan....
one: go play skate...
two: go out wif ban and others..
three: maybe go out wif my family???
so i chose no.2...
i meet ban under his block...
then we go walk2...and we wanted to go to zaki's house but...when want to take started raining and somemore rain heavily...
so we took bus 154....
and the bus is super suey..
cause...the bus went to lakeside mrt there...and the bus jam over there like forever...
then we took another bus...
ban pay for the bus...and nth...
hahas...i juz went in...hahas....
after reach to zaki's house...and u guess wat happen...nobody is at home...
OMG....we waste our fee to zaki house...and nobody at home..
so we walk ard near his house...
den we went bck to taman jurong...
we walk2...
and i met new frens....small kids... of them is playing rollerblade so i tell him how to play..
the rest is riding a bike...
after that his fren say to me...
he say that he saw a bra...and hide it..
and i saw it...i was damn paisey...
small kids know adult thing oredi...
then we go off after tat...
me and ban..went to shop buy water...and we sit under block...
den we saw people playing we join...
wah after playing soccer...i was damn tired cause i long time nvr play soccer...
but nvm...todae train my stamina again...good for health...hahas
go home...go bath...very smelly...hahas..
den wait for yanti call...and now editing my blog...
That's all...

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