Thursday, June 11, 2009

OMG Todae damn tired....

i juz editing my blog rite now...
cause i got nth to do...
erm...i want to say is damn fun but super tired.....
erm...i todae skate wif my fren...i always fall but i try to get up...
wah i feel like killing myself if i do it everydae....
wah got one part...i fall and hit at my leg at the bone in the middle...wah damn shiok...
i cant get up...
but people say NO PAIN NO GAIN....
so i keep trying and i get it... i learning...soul people play like easy but want do damn hard...but can learn...
after grinding at staircase....we will be learning grinding at railing...wah that one more shiok...hahas...
...i long time nvr meet my gerl...i feel lonely....
i dunno wad happen...i told her to called me but she nvr call me...
wah...i damn lonely lor...
wah....i feel like leaving singapore...
go oversea...go learn skate...from the pros at US or America...wah damn easy lor for them...
wah...i even want jump very hard...they like easy get connected to railing lor...
damn fun...i cant wait for my turn to get used to it.....
ok see ya...

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