Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hahas...todae very complicated...

erm todae was very complicated...
actually we are going to sentosa todae...
but suddenly our plan was failed cause shahinda had last minute cant come so...yanti was mad...
hahas i cant stop her...i was stress...but den syaaban ask we to go bck sch to take his report bk..
we walk...but after that...syaaban make joke and yanti was happy...i am glad..after taking his report bk..we walk2...den suddenly...shahinda called saying that she nvr go overseas..we were shocked...last min say going overseas but den nvr we go meet them...hahas..
we walk2 again...we go jurong green...walk2 again...and we sent shahinda before shahinda went and yanti...kiss at lips...then we dare syaaban to kiss shahinda...den he go kiss her at her cheeks....but nvm...he will kiss at her lips one day...
after we sent shahinda and jervelle home...
Me, ban, yan took bus 154...we sent yan off at lakeside and we went to jurong point...
me and ban went to zaki house...
Then we went home ard 8.30 pm...
and now edit my blog..
that's all...for todae...

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