Monday, June 22, 2009


hello guys and gerls...welcome to my blog again...
erm....sori i yesterday nvr post todae i going to post abt ytd outing...
we went for fbj outing..we went to sentosa....
there are six people go to sentosa that is me, valentino, shufian, jitwee and nicholas...
wah...we reach there...we went for a swim...we play alot of thing there...
so before we reach to our destination...we took tram....
then took pics...
Wondering where is palawan beach hahas....
then we went inside tram...
this is nicholas...our new crew...
erm then we reach palawan beach...
we then go for a swim..
we play alot of thing again...
we throw each other then play wrestling...throw people too...
hahas....they make this outing too juz for me...make me stress free...
hahas...GUYS I WOULD LIKE THNX U GUYS....THNX ALOT... after we packed up...we went out of the sentosa...
we go vivo...we took video for our fbj vol.5...cant wait...
on the way out to vivo...hehes...u see u see....cant stop msging...nvm atleast he happy...
now...shufian and amirul posing...
hahas...and last photo of me and nicholas...
hahas...i dun noe why i nvr take photo wif jitwee...hahas...
so we went took videos and before taking videos we go mamam at kfc....
den we took videos....and we end the video ard 9.15pm...i think hahas...
den we all sae gdbye to each other...but luckily for me and shufian cause amirul's dad sent us we wait for his dad then we went buy bubble tea before waiting...
then the dad came took us..and sent one by one....
and now all i can sae is gdbye guys and gerls...
see ya...

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