Friday, June 5, 2009

wah...todae super tired but can ar...hahas

hi... and ban went to chinese garden to see my dear training for dragonboat...
wah...she very strong ar...
so we got nth to and ban took pics...
BAN N ME... : P
then we took pictures...
then ban went to buy drink and i took my own pic...
ME : )
hahas...then when i took pic when yan was in dragon boat...
when in dragonboat...yanti super cute and super strong...hahas...
then after dragonboat...
me and yanti and ban walk2....
then after we walk2 we sending yan home first...
before we sent her..i kiss her again..hahas...
then we sent her home...and me and ban went to jurong point...and went to buy food...
i super forgetfull...i bought a curry puff...but i didnt took...clever rite me??
hahas...but nvm...ban treat me curry puff again...
i super happy then after buying and eating..
we went bck to taman meet zaki...then we sit under block...we chat...and we went to jurong lakepark...
wah...this time i super suey...i was playing the rope smth...i forgot the name...ok ok
let continue my story...
i was chasing ban and jumping around the rope...
i super clumsy...the rope was very far...but i still jump...i was super dumb that timing...
the rope hit my chest and fall to the was super pain...i even cant stand up...
but ban help me stand up..
zaki keep laughing..hahas...
then we sit down do nth but make jokes...
then after that we go home...
that's all for todae.... : P

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