Monday, August 31, 2009

Todae FUN!!!

Hello readers...
morning wake up...
den went sch...
den straight to 1c class...
den help out their class to make surprise...
hahas..TOO BAD MY CLASS GOT NTH!! muahaha...i Monitor got nth to do for her...
WHO want do for MDM rukiah and MDM seet??
hahas....den after sch.. meet them for awhile den i went to my primary sch...
lakeside pri..
den went to meet my old teacher..mrs mahadevan...hahas...sae hi den sae bye...hahas...
den play soccer for awhile...hehes..
den went shuqun wif jiaxin...
den meet tzeling and tzehui...den saw yiling..
den make new fren...i think her name siman :D
hahas...i see her very pitiful cause always keep quiet one...
hahas...the most funniest is Tzeling...and jiaxin...
Tzeling...fall TWO times in swing...OMG!!
jiaxin always laugh then make people laugh too...
hahas...very funny...
den at last we walk walk at jp...den go home...
me and jiaxin took 154 home...
sae bye to jiaxin...
den my turn to drop off bus...
and now blogging!!
hahas...thats all...

Saturday, August 29, 2009


hello readers...
nowadays quite bored rite??
haish...malay people all need to fast...
but todae i nvr fast cause nvr wake up to eat and sae the prayer( for the fasting one)
haish wasted...todae not going out i tink...cause noone ask me out...erm..haish...
erm...NExt next week is my exam started...THE REAL EXAM!! N LEVEL!!...WOW!!!I not ready le...
haish wad to do...JUZ TRY MY BEST!!...hahahas...
all i want is a GD LUCK WISH!!7 SEPT started N LEVEL LIAO....i been playing...
wad i want to do now is REVISE!!
so this blog...will be stop for awhile until 8 OCT!!...

Friday, August 28, 2009


i will be talking abt todae and yesterdae...
hahas...sori no present...hahas....
todae...i feel like playing skates at east coast skatepark..but all at there all very pros...
hahas....i damn bored...cant do anything...fasting really bored...
ok ok now i posting abt ytd,

erm...quite alot wish me hapi birthdae...
but no present..hahas...nvm la...i mature liao..16 yrs old...
erm nth to talk abt at sch...all bored...
after, fareez, haikal, salihin..planing to soccer back...
be4, haikal, salihin went to prayers..
salihin went take his soccer ball...
den at 5pm...i noe joey will be coming out from sch...
i saw one single decker and double decker...
i noe joey kinda like double decker...
so i choose double decker...
den wen past sch, prediction rox..hahas
den walk walk wif them...
my leg injured and my finger too...
haish..long time nvr play soccer that y i always injured...
then they all eat at mac...while i changed to my sch uniform back...
hahas...den i went home...
den i used com...
den wen i used com..
i was aslp...OMG...waste current..
hahas...too tired of everything...
erm..thats all...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hello readers...
sori if i nvr post for long time...
i now quite busy...
hahas...N LEVEL coming...
wad should i do now??
i should juz study...
haish....NOw...i am tell the truth i really cant live without joey...
i dunno why...among all my ex gf...she is the oni one i can remember...i telling the truth.. i not an fbj leader anymore...i duncare abt that team anymore...
i should juz focus on studies, soccer and my dreams....
now...i should be focusing for future...not, wasting time...
wasting time is like dancing cant make it anywhere...
soccer..can make it...and my dreams too... N and haikal will be finding jobs...maybe chocolate factory...
why not?... hahas....
den me and haikal dreams is to make one shop or restaurant together....
hahas...this is wad teenager dreams are...i dunno wad is adult thinking...
hahas...teenger dream are all fake...haish...i juz need to grow up...
and wanna tell u all...this fridae will be my birthdae...i going 16 yrs old...
and i will celebrating it wif my warriors team...
lets talk abt todae...
morning wake up...
went sch as usual...
very cold...nowadays rain...
den *skip skip*
after, fareez, salihin and haikal...
went to solve things...
at last solve...and this fridae, we will play soccer... been so long i touch soccer ball...
i hope i will be the best goal keeper... better than lionel lewis...
hahas...singapore keeper...i will be better than their keeper...
wen i went to ITE...i will be the soccer team...
hahas, ok ok carry on...
den after...i went home and, haikal, janick, koon, sihua, limbin and his gf..
we went to IKEA den we went to queensway to meet bro jatt...long time nvr go see him...
we chat chat...den maybe sat or sundae went to eastcoast to play skate..
den went to haikal grandmother house to eat...i mean break fast....we eat nasi lemak.. :D
hahas...delicious sia...hahas...den i went to haikal him abit then went home..dry myself den i will post and clean my room...
ok ok thats all..
bye readers...

Friday, August 21, 2009

HEllo readers...

Hello readers..
todae...i very sad...cause..
got two reasons... startin from todae onwards...
i will be fasting...Sian...haish...
number two...
MY grandma went hospital todae....
ARGH!!...i dunwan to lose my last grandma...
haish..i cant cry becoz of fasting...alot of rules we cant make....
haish...todae...i wont be going out...i need go to hospital...
bye readers...


Hello readers...At last the problems solve..
haish...many things happen...
but...all misunderstanding actually...haish...
den from small to big but lucky all the problems gone...
erm...todae...morning...wake up..
den went sch...den went in class...shake hands wif frens..
den went to wait for joey outside class...
den saw...afiqah...went in toilet..den vanessa went in too...
they were chatting...abt smth
den i wait for joey..den we went to 1a...fatiha nvr come...
after sch...i saw...afiqah settling outside...our lesson class...near cpa room...
den we went out...
we settle...den me, shufian and amirul..went to fridae prayers...
den we went bck to sch...waited for joey and others...we at canteen..i keep laughing...dunno why..
hahas...den make heart shape...
alot liao...
erm den joey end her cca...we went to eat...den i send her home cause...she abit scared...cause 7th mth i accompany her...home...den i took bus home...
OMG!!! TMW FASTING....i not ready..i always hungry sei!!
nvm...i used to fast...muahahas...
ok bye readers...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Abt last few daes

Hello readers...
sori for the last fews daes nvr post...
haish...stress...why i can failed some of my prelim...
haish...sad...erm NVM...i swear...i need to do well in my N LEVEL...
cause...i want to NO.1 CHEF!!
i wan to pursue my career...
hahas....Sori..really sori for not posting...
erm...and todae...morning...
den went sch...went to look for joey but joey dunhave...
den saw joey late...hahas...first time saw her late...
den went for cpa..and play com...
hahas..den went plurk..
hahas...den went for all lesson...
den recess time...i met JOey...
thats all for todae...

Monday, August 17, 2009

ABT todae...

Hello readers...
here come my story...
morning..wake up early..cause need to pack up things...
den morning...i bring joey present...
todae joey birthdae..den morning saw her..den give the present...she was shocked at first..
den at recess time saw joey again...I love u joey...
den after sch..we went to kfc first, we go eat first den we went to ntuc buy things..den went to watch movie...chinese movie..title (where got ghost)lucky i got bring jacket or not later joey feel super cold...
okok quite funny and some part scary...kinda shocking...hahas..
den we walk walk...after awhile all went hm...
den me and my family went to my bro house near woodlands...
wah far sia...den..i pity joey..she on9 juz for i nvr on9..I sori..joey...
went our prayers...den we see the baby..den cut the hair...
all baby juz born need follow malay religion...hahas...Kinda cool...
den went eat...cause from after cinema i very hungry....lucky my sis buy murtabak..
hahas...i noe it funny...den i came home...i quickly on9 and joey juz off9...sad-ed..
nvm...tmw can meet her...I love her alot....


Sunday, August 16, 2009


Hello readers...
wanna hear my story todae??
hahas abit funny...
morning...wake up...give joey★ wake up call...
den on9 chat wiv joey...den went bath...get ready to go out..
den went them(Joey★,tzeling,tzehui,yiling,stanley)...den me and joey★ went to kfc...wah..damn long...nvr juz queue ar...
after that went to kopitiam...went to eat there...hahas...actually i nvr eat juz i psps...hahas....den went joey thing and others things...
den went to library, level 3 i tink...den they do their project...
den suddenly out of came...he ask...what we doing?? den i was like cant u see?? den the gerls sae..doing project...den ask again..we sae again...den we pack up..the security went away other side...i shout:go hm la go hm eat murtabak...i angry sia..den we walk passed him..den he sae : go level 2 i think...den i sae:yah la yah la..den the security sae: wad yah la..den i shout again ok ok byebye!!...fed up sia...
den we went to senior citizen place doing their project..den noel came...den we doing project..yiling accidentally cut herself..hahas..
den started rain den we pack up...den i accidentally push my bag then yiling hp got one jar..den fell down and break the jar...then i was like guilty...
i was psps...den we start to run...all wet oni me not wet...i dunno why?..hahas den went to eat at long john silver...den went to mini toons...
den went hm after that...sian me...walk hm... -.-
nvm i exercise...and now posting...okok..
bye readers...

Friday, August 14, 2009


Hello readers...
wanna hear my story todae??
morning wake up den go sch..
cant msg joey★..Sad..
den went shufian...we chat chat...den go look for Joey★..
hahas...I miz her...hahas...
one dae.."A" muz look at her face...
meet her...den went to parade square..
haish..i pity myself..CAnt sing the majulah...cause my throat pain..
hahas...den went past joey★ class...be4 that..i asked joey★ to cook for me..
TOdae check our paper...OMG!!! I FAILED 4 subject how????OMG...PRELIM LE!!! havent N-LEVEL..
wah muz CHIONG LIAO..hahas...WANNA BE A CHEF LE...:D
den after sch.. meet joey★ first...
muahaha...I SENIOR...LOLS...
den after that...i eat a little..haish..i dumb la..
i should eat alot..
den after shufian at back hall..wif amirul, glenn, jason and fatiha..
glenn and jason went out..shufian send juliyana home..den amirul went home...
den fatiha alone..cause i packing up to meet joey★ at canteen..den i chat wif fatiha..
awhile oni...den i quickly went down..den went to jp...
went kfc and den go to Popular..den go where ar?? i forgot..den i took 241 wif joey, yiling, jolin..den i walk joey★ home...
den i took bus home..
reach jp den took 240 bus..
DAMN IT...i go slp inside bus until..stop until dunno where..but still near my house...
haish...Now chatting wiv JOEY★...AND PLURKING AND WATCHING ANIME...

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hello readers..
wanna hear my story todae??
morning wake up...msg joey..
den went to sch..
den meet joey den went to parade square...
den went for exam..
den went to recess same as sec 1...
den* skip skip *
went to hall play piano..
hahas...i wan learn..
super easy but need to remember all the notes..
ok den after sch went to jp..wif all joey frens..
went kfc eat..den walk walk..
den send joey home..
saw her sis..
kk that's all..
Bye readers..

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Hello readers..
wanna hear abt ytd story??
morning..wake up..den msg joey...
den meet shufian, stanley..den at last meet my dear...
den we went to queensway shopping centre...
i went to meet my super pro skater dat is me and haikal god bro: jatt...
hahas...we chat chat...den sae gdbye to my god bro..den we went to city hall...wait for tzeling, yiling and tzeling's sis( i forgot the name) sori...
den.. i got one msg from my prob..
den i was in bad mood...joey..wanted to cheer me up but i dunno wad happen to me...and sang malay jiwang song... haish...den we went inside Mrt and drop at raffles place..den we anyhow and joey like quarrel like that...den joey msg me smth...smth horrible...( ask me whether i wan break) den i was like NO!!!!!!!
den i went to her...and sae sori alot of time...
i promise myself to her alot alot of things...
den i walk wif her bck...den we went bck...den finally meet...them three at city link there...
Woah full house there ar...alot of banglas..alot of couples and the most alot is families..
den we walk walk...den went to suntec to GO to MY OTAKU house...
my favourite shop....a place that sell anime stuff!!!
hahas...den went to one shop..the counter doing magic...den i seen through their magic..
den went walk walk again...den took chattered bus to marina barrage...wah!! alot of people...
people go there see fireworks..u noe wad i did?? i went there to slp...hahas...
so after marina barrage...we shake everyone hand...den me and joey took taxi to xinghui chalet there...
den me and joey tot dat...we can slp there...we go there chat abit...den they send us to nearest mrt station...but too bad no more mrt liao..den xinhui's bro( i think) lend us $50 bucks to go home....
so we took taxi and stop at jurong spring cc...
we sat at the staircase...from 1 plus to 5 plus...
i keep slping at joey lap...its feel nice..and comfortable...
den me and joey played guessing wad colour is the car...
hahas...we keep like laughing...hahas...den i slp alot of time...
muahaha...den some we "ERM ERM"(NC16)
hahas..LOL...den ard 5 plus...we feel strong windy...
den joey predict that it is gonna rain...
den we went to bus stop ar...OMG!! MORE WIndy...i forget to bring hoodie...she damn i rubbed her hands..and hug give her warmth...den i myself oso cold...
den saw 98 bus den hopped in. joey cant take it so took mrt...
den i listen song inside bus...den reached home...i heard something, Not confirm wad is it...
den msg joey using my dad no.
den wen to bath...den Slpppppp!!!!!
ok dat all...
bye readers!!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I wanna to noe..

HEllo reader...
this is a short post..
i wanna ask u question..
pls answer it honestly..
AM I A USELESs, Hopeless ??
am i a person who like to break people heart??
OK that all...if u wanna comment bad abt me ...juz comment ok??
i wont scold u??!!
so i need answer...
thnx for listen...

Todae Fun and ABIT stress...

Hello readers...
wanna hear my story todae??
morning wake up den msg joey and jason...den go bath..
den on wiv joey..
den meet them at lakeside near cheers..
den i went there...tot i was the late person suddenly it was my second son..hahas..den meet them den...go to spooky hall..
DAMN SCARY smth happen to me..
i ask amirul to open the so called a door...den he open it..i saw POCONG!!! OMG...
den i went outside...i spit everywhere...OMG...
the ghost face was infront of me?? F**K...
i went out...den *skip sip* cant tell u more..
scary...den joey went watch movie..
den me, stan, shufian and amirul find place to eat and place to relax...
den meet joey..
den send her home..
tmw having a big dae...
bye readers...


Friday, August 7, 2009

Todae Fun but Abit tired...

Hello readers...
wanna my story todae..??
ok ok..
erm morning wake up...msg joey...
den i go bath and went to sch..
meet shufian at canteen...den we wait for my son and shufian son..
den i msg joey den she sae i nvr wait for her...
den i sae i wait for u oso can no prob..
den went in sch as usual..take pledge and sch song and bla bla bla...
den went to hall...tok tok tok wif the other and waited for stanley performance..
he such a cool guy...he my nephew...muahahas...
den after sch meet joey at canteen den she sae 4pm finish her cca..
den we ok ok la.. we went to jp first walk walk...
den we went to carpark...
playing small kid todae...
hahas, den after dat...we got fight wiv small boy...he very coward his house shout here shout there...
lucky he small...
haish...den went bck to sch..
see my darl..
den saw...den one of the red cross gerl ask me take photo..
den in my mind dey got pay me or not??
den hahas...took their pic..den me,joey, shufian, stanley, yiling, tzeling went jp...
den they eat at kfc...shufian, stanley and me slp..for awhile..
haish tired...nvm...den one by one go home...
den i wiv joey stay at library...
i kiss her alot of lip...muahaha...
so swit rite?? hahas..
den ard 7 plus...i send her hm...
half way kiss again..
den reach her house...
den erm erm...hahas...
den i take bus went home and now updating..
ok ok
Bye readers..


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Todae Fun and ABIT stress...

Hello readers...
wanna hear my story todae??
erm here we go..
morning...wake up den msg joey..
den go bath, den change...went to sch..
nvr saw shufian den he was sitting outside..
we went to parade square...
den we went bck to class...took our first exam that is english paper..
den math paper...haish math confirm failed..
den after sch..we waited 1c people and 1d people..
we wait for our sons and daughter and Wife..., shufian, amirul, andy, valentinp, jitwee and darren..
went to bck hall and play..i go play yoyo...
i master my loop the
hahas...juz can do 10 liao...hahas...LOL...i not action ok??
den wen home for awhile den joey msg me where am i??
den i sae i coming..i went home cause finding yoyo string...
haish...den..i wen bck to sch and ask joey for std using hp... i and her juz std..dat was todae...thnx to my son and daughter in law..
dat was jason, glenn and Xinghui but xinghui help me most..
hahas, thnx alot..
erm den after that one big prob happen...
shufian and other have grudge on me..
shufian hate me...
den ask for spar..den i accept...
erm i use one hand..
cause if i use two hand...i used to much energy..
so i used one hand, i noe shufian have grudge on me so i let him punch me..
den done..den i wanted to spar wiv amirul..
for 10 secs..den i punch him...den his arm...dunno he said very like keep vibrating...
hahas..LOL...den we went to jp for awhile...joey and someone...went to popular buy something...den we waited...den shufian ans stan follow me to fetch joey cause we are going to kei yuan we walk to his house..i hold her hand...from jp to his house..
den wen we reached we saw jiayang...den he went home..cause he got tuition...
so nvm...wen we reached, we sat outside..haish..
den one by one sae..dun feel guilty den we sae ok ok...
den at nite...we send stanley and joey..den i chased shufian cause i wan hug him to sae i really sori...
den..reached home...on comp chat wiv my new gf...
still cant eat...haiyo...
den i msg her...den she on9 again..den we chat again...
so tmw going sch meeting her then we walk walk...
shufian and me...have really close to 1c and 1d people...
They are So friendly and very kind..
i like those kind of friendship..
ok guy do come my new blog..
we making team for super yoyo...
we are going to be the super yoyo master..
hope we are pro enough..
i got go to competition..be4..
ard 2003 super yoyo competition and i won silver...
if i won gold...i can be super yoyo master liao..
haish wat a wasted...
ok ok bye reader so do check out...

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Todae FUN!!!

Hello readers..
wanna hear my story todae??
todae...morning...i msg joey...
den...go bath..den rest first cause to tired..
den went to sch...saw shufian but he ignored me...nvm go bck clas..
den i sae to him how dare u ignore me...hahas...den he sae he nvr notice...den i sae ouh ok ok...den went to joey class...wait for her...den went to parade square...take everything den go bck class...take ebs exam...damn hard...nvm..i got left a blank...super hard..
haiyo...den break...i inside class play yoyo hahas...
den actually wan go slp but no mood la..
den took math paper...den i was like ok ok...i try my best..
den and shufian all waiting for everyone to come out...
den wait for them, we go canteen...den we chat chat...den i walk ard...go library meet joey all...den go find amirul and shufian...
den we wait for 1c people finish...swimming...
den went to jp...we walk walk...they eat kfc den we go jp library...wah i sit near joey..
den one by one go home...haiyo, den all boys and gerls went home...left me and joey..
den we chat chat...erm erm erm...hahas...
den ard 8.30pm at jp library went out...i go send joey home...
den i chiong home...cause i got to chat wif joey..
i juz on9 den she need sad nvm ar..
now editing blog...
so readers...
do check up...
mY BLOG!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

COntinue story for todae...

Hello readers...
todae...i went out from house...
i went to sch bck meet joey and other...
den shufian msg me..
den at canteen something happen...
cant elaborate dun ask..
den shufian came...we went to lakepark
we play play but we have fun la..
den we went to jp, we bought drink den went out we walk walk den went to ky House...den play
hahas...den ard 7 plus go to library outside near playground...den we shared our ghost story that we experienced before...
we chat chat...den i rush home...den saw eddie...den we chat chat...den went editing blog...
ok come read ok??

Monday, August 3, 2009

ABT YTD and todae...

4 august...
morning wake up late...cause slp at 5 am...
den msg joey...
den for sch den nvr buy drink cause no money forget it..
den take exam...todae quite hard cause nvr revise...haiyo....lazy la me...
but i try to pass...
erm...den after sch shufian chiong hm cause his grandfather passed away...
pity him...
i left oni grandma...i loved her so much...i cant bear leaving her....
haish...den me, jitwee, valentino went for revise...
den i go off from sch went home ask for food...i beg her try....
den she sae can...but todae oni...haiyo nvr mind ar....i really hungry...
den now going eat...den later meet joey all..
den we walk walk...
that all...

3 august 2009
Hello readers sori ytd nvr post cause...i am damn tired and hungry...
i tried to hold my hunger...
but still hungry haiyo..
erm...morning wake up..
Msg Joey...
den went to water...den the water expired like that...
haiyo...den take exam...ok ok la quite easy...english mah...
den after sch....follow erm erm....den go erm erm...hahas.LOL.
den meet joey and frens...
me, shufian, aaron, amirul went to jp wiv them...we walk walk chat chat...damn hungry that time...
den my letter came... i ask "someone" read for me the big prob....
den at last solved....Haiyo...
dunno wad to sae...we send one by one..last was joey den... erm.. i rush hm cause my baby nephew came wiv their cute...but i still not eaten..
cant eat...for 10 daes!!!
wateva la..
den slp ard 12 plus...den wake up ard...3 am den train my yoyo skills...until 5am den try slp for one hr...
den can...slp slp slp...

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Hello readers..
i wan to tok abt todae..
Really had fun...
i ask all my neighbour from level two till level 20 to come down see my performance...
so cool whole hdb people so supportive...hahas...
lucky i stay there....
hahas....morning...i chat wiv joey...
denmsg her cause going out sch mah...hahas...den msg fasha...but cant msg her much cause practicing....hahas...
den i come meet joey first, watch them play bowling...
so fun....nvr mind...
hahas...den ard 3.14pm took shufian from mosque cause...he got lesson...hahas took him...den go mac meet joey and others...
so fun den suddenly shufian no mood...forget it...i lend his yoyo...haish...
den we walk go to our stage...wah damn nice...but ok ok la..
hahas...we walk walk den went in my MEMORY SCH!!...JUrong town pri sch...
my precious sch...
i love it...
i give valentino a tour ard jurong town...hahas..
den we practice ard 6 time like that i think...hahas...
den xinghui and other guy went home...hahas...left joey, stanley and jiayang...
den we stress cause salihin late...
haiyo he ar...dunno wad to sae...
but wen the our show start...i nervous but i sae dun scared cause if u scared...u are disgraceful...
hahas....LOL...den i did one mistake so paisey but alot people nvr sae me do mistake...i oso dunno why...hahas...after our performance...shufian and i went with joey all...we walk walk they rest of fbj went we accompany jiayang cut hair...cause tomorrow got hair check...hahas...
LOL....we no need cause our teacher nvr sae anything...hahas...
den...we send stanley hm first...den jiayang finish cut hair...we went wiv and shufian send them home...den i tot i walk home but lucky got money...haiyo...and half way..jiayang going home, he sae he forgot his bag...LOL..hahas...nvm tmw we take for him...
den msg joey on the way home..
den now updating blog...
EVERYONE, including FBJ gd luck in all ur exams...!!!
hahas...bye readers...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Abt todae

Hello readers...
I wake up too early ar todae...
hahas....cant wait for my performance...
hahas...hope it go well....hahas...
THNX for wishing us....
BYe readers...
i will update soon....


Hello Readers...
wanna hear my story todae??
erm here we go...
morning wake up ard 8.45am...
den saw alot of msg...
hahas...very fun..hahas...LOL
den tot wan meet LAla belo and Fa but at last cancel..
so i chat wiv joey..saying that i wanna go jp...den she sae that she going to jp too wiv stanley and other..
den i ask her to meet us...cause we going to see super yoyo of them is my old fren..
six yrs nvr meet...todae juz met...haish he tall sia..hahas...
den met Joey and the morning kena pinch by joey oredi...
den me and shufian go see the super yoyo master..
hahas...i maybe starting back my yoyo skills...
hahas...yoyo fun, u noe that..
hahas...den we took bus...den somebody msg me something bad...saying to me...hope u go boys home...WAH damn it..i dunno who is that...i dunno the no. but nvm...
den we took bus...i no mood den they all stop at lakepark i stop near my house...den they ask me come back so i go bck...
i ask for shufian yoyo...den i play ar...oni can do ard the skill all lost...
den we go and stanley...bought apple pie den waited for them to take bus 154...den i went home..
now updating...
bye guys..

Welcome...TO MY PrOFiLe

HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...