Thursday, August 6, 2009

Todae Fun and ABIT stress...

Hello readers...
wanna hear my story todae??
erm here we go..
morning...wake up den msg joey..
den go bath, den change...went to sch..
nvr saw shufian den he was sitting outside..
we went to parade square...
den we went bck to class...took our first exam that is english paper..
den math paper...haish math confirm failed..
den after sch..we waited 1c people and 1d people..
we wait for our sons and daughter and Wife..., shufian, amirul, andy, valentinp, jitwee and darren..
went to bck hall and play..i go play yoyo...
i master my loop the
hahas...juz can do 10 liao...hahas...LOL...i not action ok??
den wen home for awhile den joey msg me where am i??
den i sae i coming..i went home cause finding yoyo string...
haish...den..i wen bck to sch and ask joey for std using hp... i and her juz std..dat was todae...thnx to my son and daughter in law..
dat was jason, glenn and Xinghui but xinghui help me most..
hahas, thnx alot..
erm den after that one big prob happen...
shufian and other have grudge on me..
shufian hate me...
den ask for spar..den i accept...
erm i use one hand..
cause if i use two hand...i used to much energy..
so i used one hand, i noe shufian have grudge on me so i let him punch me..
den done..den i wanted to spar wiv amirul..
for 10 secs..den i punch him...den his arm...dunno he said very like keep vibrating...
hahas..LOL...den we went to jp for awhile...joey and someone...went to popular buy something...den we waited...den shufian ans stan follow me to fetch joey cause we are going to kei yuan we walk to his house..i hold her hand...from jp to his house..
den wen we reached we saw jiayang...den he went home..cause he got tuition...
so nvm...wen we reached, we sat outside..haish..
den one by one sae..dun feel guilty den we sae ok ok...
den at nite...we send stanley and joey..den i chased shufian cause i wan hug him to sae i really sori...
den..reached home...on comp chat wiv my new gf...
still cant eat...haiyo...
den i msg her...den she on9 again..den we chat again...
so tmw going sch meeting her then we walk walk...
shufian and me...have really close to 1c and 1d people...
They are So friendly and very kind..
i like those kind of friendship..
ok guy do come my new blog..
we making team for super yoyo...
we are going to be the super yoyo master..
hope we are pro enough..
i got go to competition..be4..
ard 2003 super yoyo competition and i won silver...
if i won gold...i can be super yoyo master liao..
haish wat a wasted...
ok ok bye reader so do check out...

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