Saturday, August 1, 2009


Hello Readers...
wanna hear my story todae??
erm here we go...
morning wake up ard 8.45am...
den saw alot of msg...
hahas...very fun..hahas...LOL
den tot wan meet LAla belo and Fa but at last cancel..
so i chat wiv joey..saying that i wanna go jp...den she sae that she going to jp too wiv stanley and other..
den i ask her to meet us...cause we going to see super yoyo of them is my old fren..
six yrs nvr meet...todae juz met...haish he tall sia..hahas...
den met Joey and the morning kena pinch by joey oredi...
den me and shufian go see the super yoyo master..
hahas...i maybe starting back my yoyo skills...
hahas...yoyo fun, u noe that..
hahas...den we took bus...den somebody msg me something bad...saying to me...hope u go boys home...WAH damn it..i dunno who is that...i dunno the no. but nvm...
den we took bus...i no mood den they all stop at lakepark i stop near my house...den they ask me come back so i go bck...
i ask for shufian yoyo...den i play ar...oni can do ard the skill all lost...
den we go and stanley...bought apple pie den waited for them to take bus 154...den i went home..
now updating...
bye guys..

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Welcome...TO MY PrOFiLe

HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...