Monday, August 3, 2009

ABT YTD and todae...

4 august...
morning wake up late...cause slp at 5 am...
den msg joey...
den for sch den nvr buy drink cause no money forget it..
den take exam...todae quite hard cause nvr revise...haiyo....lazy la me...
but i try to pass...
erm...den after sch shufian chiong hm cause his grandfather passed away...
pity him...
i left oni grandma...i loved her so much...i cant bear leaving her....
haish...den me, jitwee, valentino went for revise...
den i go off from sch went home ask for food...i beg her try....
den she sae can...but todae oni...haiyo nvr mind ar....i really hungry...
den now going eat...den later meet joey all..
den we walk walk...
that all...

3 august 2009
Hello readers sori ytd nvr post cause...i am damn tired and hungry...
i tried to hold my hunger...
but still hungry haiyo..
erm...morning wake up..
Msg Joey...
den went to water...den the water expired like that...
haiyo...den take exam...ok ok la quite easy...english mah...
den after sch....follow erm erm....den go erm erm...hahas.LOL.
den meet joey and frens...
me, shufian, aaron, amirul went to jp wiv them...we walk walk chat chat...damn hungry that time...
den my letter came... i ask "someone" read for me the big prob....
den at last solved....Haiyo...
dunno wad to sae...we send one by one..last was joey den... erm.. i rush hm cause my baby nephew came wiv their cute...but i still not eaten..
cant eat...for 10 daes!!!
wateva la..
den slp ard 12 plus...den wake up ard...3 am den train my yoyo skills...until 5am den try slp for one hr...
den can...slp slp slp...

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