Friday, August 7, 2009

Todae Fun but Abit tired...

Hello readers...
wanna my story todae..??
ok ok..
erm morning wake up...msg joey...
den i go bath and went to sch..
meet shufian at canteen...den we wait for my son and shufian son..
den i msg joey den she sae i nvr wait for her...
den i sae i wait for u oso can no prob..
den went in sch as usual..take pledge and sch song and bla bla bla...
den went to hall...tok tok tok wif the other and waited for stanley performance..
he such a cool guy...he my nephew...muahahas...
den after sch meet joey at canteen den she sae 4pm finish her cca..
den we ok ok la.. we went to jp first walk walk...
den we went to carpark...
playing small kid todae...
hahas, den after dat...we got fight wiv small boy...he very coward his house shout here shout there...
lucky he small...
haish...den went bck to sch..
see my darl..
den saw...den one of the red cross gerl ask me take photo..
den in my mind dey got pay me or not??
den hahas...took their pic..den me,joey, shufian, stanley, yiling, tzeling went jp...
den they eat at kfc...shufian, stanley and me slp..for awhile..
haish tired...nvm...den one by one go home...
den i wiv joey stay at library...
i kiss her alot of lip...muahaha...
so swit rite?? hahas..
den ard 7 plus...i send her hm...
half way kiss again..
den reach her house...
den erm erm...hahas...
den i take bus went home and now updating..
ok ok
Bye readers..


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