Wednesday, September 30, 2009


HEllo ReADERS...
kinda bored rite now..>
so todae post orite??
hahas....todae...morning...go sch...
den first lesson: cpa...bored...but okok la...i abit concentrate....
den p.e.
play soccer...wanna guess whose our team?
ok ok fine let me tell u...
me as keeper...
aaron as defender,
mr. bakhtiar as midfield..
amirul as midfield too but abit...hard la he...he muz be train...
wenliang striker and hangcai striker.
and our opponents...
jitwee, salihin, fareez, shufian, jana
hahas...we got extra cause our opponents is all star player...but me as keeper cant score alot la...
wanna noe the score??
orite...we won...7-4...
hahas...we 7 ar not 4...hahas...
den after that i go home cause..
i got rashes on my body...OMG!!!
argh...shit why muz this happen...
alot of people sae chicken pox but its nt..
hahas...nvm...tmw i cant go sch
haish cant play soccer for the last tyme...:(
haish...somemore play soccer wif mr.Nur...
confirm fun sia...
haish...nvm ar...mondae start my N level again...
den on the 15 oct got Ite balestiar..
i think the spelling correct or wad?? hahas forget it...
ern den on the 14th graduation lunch...muz take alot of pic...
muz wear smart smart...
after 8 life going to change...whether to be free life or all day working...hahas...finding money...and get stamina for soccer...i really want to play soccer in the nicest field....i want to be the best goalkeeper..but sometime i do mistake in soccer....but i still pro...
i believe that...
so guys out there...wanna try my stunts??
after i saved all ur soccer balls..will i be ur regular team??
thnx readers for spending time on my blog...

Friday, September 25, 2009


Hey readers...
yoyoyo...hahas, i sot sot liao...i dunnoe....hehes...
haish lets talk abt ytd..
mornin go sch as per normal...
den first period is p.e....FUN!!! soccers... u wanna to noe the score??? its 5 - 1
our team won...
my team got...
me as goal keeper...
shufian as defender...
fareez as midfield the game maker...
salihin and hangcai is the striker...
and the other team very funny...cause they so called play anyhow but...
other team make themselves horrible like...cant make even another goal...
the one goal is lucky shot...cause...i dunno who kicks...den over shufian den suddenly...from high ball...became low ball den *OLE* me..
so disgraceful...but...wad i i still a good goalkeeper...
ouhkk carry on...
lesson as per normal...
*skip skip*
half way going to end sch...
i was chased by 4a Fbj member...
hahas, cause i took every empty bottles...
throw at he shout 10 on 1...hahas...den i started to run lorh...
den tired...den sweating...den let my sweat gone den go prayers...
den go back sch...
dey sae they wanted to go to spooky hall...
but i went home first...changed...den wanted to go spooky hall but on the way saw shufian all...
den we went together...i on the bus cant talk cause havent medicine and cant talk...
i dunno why like hard to swallow oso....
reached spooky hall play soccer there...i brought my soccer ball along...
play play...den stanley and jason ask me and shufian to go xingnan play soccer actually...
den me and shufian...went to xingnan and jason is not coming...Argh!!!...jk jk....
den stanley and his frens...I met new two frens....
hahas...we inside xingnan laugh ard sometimes...
hahas...i was looking ard and i found someone....<3
haish....hard to describe her...hahas...
her frens ask me for number...and her frens sae she was shy...
actually i was the one so called disturb her...
i saw her coming to one stall tat sell water...den i sae to shufian, i wan go to the water stall den shufian go ar go!! hahas...den i go...i stand behind the gerl...den she bought the water...den she turned behind den look at me...and she smiled...Omg...her smile was like...hard to describe...
it was like first time i saw one of my ex smiled...i dunwan to mention who...
den she tell her frens something...den my stanley and others..was walking and and shufian headache la...hahas...but seriously...they walked like turn and keep turning...
den got one part we sat at near the parade square where...the flag is...
we sat there den got one teacher...btw we were jumpstyle and shuffle...den the teacher came...den ask shufian* are u from xingnan* den shufian sae back...NO...den the teacher ask* why are u here* den shufian sae* i accompany frens* den...they teacher sae alot of funny things...i nvr help i was like laughing...hahas...den we went back to the canteen...
met two gerls that is stanley frens...
we talk talk...den 9 plus we went out...den we went to Kfc...another funny things happen...
one of the crew name stanley...den i sae one of our fren is stanley tan den the other one is stanley goh...den i anyhow guess oso correct den i laugh...den i sae to shufian i want to find stanley chang,
and i combine them into one...stanley tan gohcang as in tan goncang...HAHA, hilarious...we inside kfc laughing and shufian is laughing and so called crying... first after eat want play soccer then i tot..night liao wan play soccer...i think everybody cannot then i was correct...
all went home...
i came home...bath...den slp dun care my relative coming...cause hari raya...but ytd i really duncare them..cause too tired...
and ytd night i dream abt that gerl again...
i hope i can meet her...!!!
ok thats all readers...
maybe todae i wan to follow shufian to lantern festival again...HEHES!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009 nothing to do so post lor...

HELLO readers...
long tyme nvr post...
so i post abt todae...
got alot happen...Ytd nvr go sch cause sick...
i dunno wad is my sickness, weird rite??
hahas...hope i get well sooner...cause...i want play soccer in recovery state...
hahas...for now i not so good keeper cause...i keep letting people score...hahas...
but i think b4 my N level start again i cure oredi...and u guess wad water make me heal faster..i think u will sae mineral water...but mine is different...mine is green make me heal faster...
i will now tell u abt todae news...
i was hoping p.e. can play Soccer but...haish... this zhenghua la hoping todae bad...
cant play soccer...
den go some station...
den finish P.e...go back class slack...den go recess...den bla bla bla * skip SKIP *
after sch...slack wif shufian and amirul but after that...i go play soccer wif the express people..
very fun...until 6 plus den go home..
we chat alot of thing...wen i talk to them i feel home...
cause sec 3 i used to play soccer wif todae...i feel i one of them liao..
hahas...den went home...go bath den later go shop awhile...cause later people coming my house...
hahas...Ok bye readers...
and to all malays...
Selamat Hari raya...
minta maaf kalau ada aku ada kasar terhadap kamu...saya minta maaf ye..hahas
:D <3

Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hey readers...
todae very fun...
hehes....readers...todae abit tired...dunno why...maybe i work too hard...
todae got jurong church at 8am to 1pm...
6hrs...hahas....i notice that i need to go to bukit batok shopping centre to take donation....
but and others go to Clementi....
i got alot of money inside my so called the charity box...
i win all of them...hahas...i very kind mah...hahas....
and i make fren wif Siew hoon and her frens i forgot their names...
it is very fun to talk to her...hahas...serious fun...hahas...
den be4 that...all resting i go take charity again...and it started raining..
i help those old people to go down the staircase....
i used to it...
and one people cant speak...but speak to one of my CIp members...
she can understand hand signal...kinda cool...
the indian woman dat cant speak sae alot of gd things to me...
i happi...and the CIP people oso sae i very kind and good...
i sae thnk u alot....
hahas...den 12.30pm, we went back to jurong to give back everything...
den...i shake hand wif siew hoon....hahas...she very funny...
nvm...after dat...i went home...den i went to Paya lebar wif haikal, koon leong and limbin...
took mrt...i slpt...haha too tired....den let one gerl sit beside me...den i went off...i sae bye to dat gerl...hahas.....
den bought alot of things....
i bought new caps...
hahas...den at night go to prayer for the last dae of fasting mth...
Tmw HARI RAYA...... WOOHOOO...... fun...but i sad...cause i injured...hahas....
but nvm...hahas...confirm fun ar...
hahas...i hope to tok to siew hoon again...hahas..
ok thats all for todae...
Bye readers....

Friday, September 18, 2009


HEy readers.....
todae fun fun...but some ar like CB!!!
todae wake very hapi cause...todae go sch..wif teacher...i forgot her name...but she very cute....
i like her sia...haha very cute...hahas...i dunno she stay near my house there...
i can go sch wif her everydae...muahaha...
hahas...den i chat wif chat, den go for parade square...den sing sch song without music...
cool...but abit lame...hahas
den first period is P.e.... FUN!!!
muahaha play soccer, i my teammates cause...i careless...i shouldnt let other player to become keeper...shit...i forgot i oni the best goal keeper....
haish...den second period science...den bla bla bla...lazy talk abt it...den after sch...we meet joey all...
den me, shufian and amirul went for last fridae prayers cause...nextwk already started hari raya...
fun...den wait for joey all...den go up to Ava, meet lisha chat abit...den got trouble...
i hate that rabbit face...CB face...and i hate those bitches...
argh...the rabbit face act gangster...small size like mouse like that act gangster...OMg, i think i slap him or kid his leg again more better...cause he got injury in his i think i should break it one more time...STUPID RABBIT....act gangster...small idiot sia the face...OMg...super idiotic...not hapi come la...but i dun play someone who work under gang la...all coward...but i nvr mention who dun sae rubbish...
den go back canteen....den chat chat...lisha came down wif yanti...
lisha cried...den i tried to make her hapi...u noe wad i do?? i show her one stupid botak head wif super shiny ....then she laugh...hahas....den bla bla send them home...den...go back sch...
on the way to sch...we play one is abt will be att or stay keep will be att...
but i dun believe...ARGH!!humph!!...hahas...
den finish waiting joey and all of them, we went to jp..walk walk, eat eat...and go home...
hahas....i tot i alone took bus...suddenly saw haiqal and aziz...hahas....they all bus disturb people...hahas....
btw...i wanna to tell this people...
joey, jolin, vernetta and xinghui...
ur food is damn nice and is abit salty...
ur food is abit plain but u need put more spices so it will be nice...i confirm wif it...
ur food..rite..erm...u juz need to smash ur potato properly....then it will be perfect...
ur food not comment...cause it is damn nice..the nice...and to me its perfect..but i nvr get to eat the macaroni..sadded :(
that is my comment for u all...
thank u..
bye readers...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

HEy readers...

Hey readers....
u go see my cbox...somebody spamming my blog using my name...
oMG!!! damn lame isnt it??
haish...stupid fellow...
ok ok rite now...dun believe wad stupid moallim writing...
this moallim that is spamming my blog is toking abt himself not me ok??
so anything that he write is abt him...
ok ok stop it...
Todae wake up...
den...go sch...
den lesson start...
den bla bla bla..
den tot P.e. fun but...BORING!!!
cause raining cant play soccer...although my leg pain...
den after, shufian and others plus fareez slack outside 1a seats outside ard there...
slack until...dunno wad time...den we went to jp...
den we walk walk to jp den go to jason house...
i pity him...haish...
he injured left hand..i injured right leg...hahas like so called father and son...
hahas...den after jason house, we went back to jp...
den go to NTUC...bla bla bla buy things...and one part...i sae to a person...
"Ur specs very cool" den he sae back..."URS TOO" hahas...
den joey all psps...hahas they sae they dunno me...hahas...
den go mac, they all go eat...we all chat chat...
den all separated...joey and jolin took 243...stanley walk and shufian took 154...den now i am home....
thats all....
bye readers...
Btw readers...dun believe moallim in my cbox...that oni talk abt himself...
hahas..that guy crazy i think...hahas...
Stupid imitation moallim...
i hate people to that have same name...
cause their parent stupid...
so this spammer name moallim is their parent let him or her read this blog..
SPAMMER SUX TO THE CORE....cause they stupid...and lowlife...

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HEY i wanted to ask ur opinion..

hey reader i wanted to ask u all...smth...
if i got a super lucky chance to this teams...u think which team i should go??
Singapore teams??
Barcelona Fc??
Ac milan??
HAHAS...sori No man utd and Liverpool...
cause not interested...SORI!!
BYES!! do Comment it at CBOX!!


i wanna say smth??
erm at my text box...if got my name rite..
some are not me...
i dunno which idiot use my name to write at my cbox...
i oni noe..that my name is not exist for other i oni noe the moallim is me...
the is no more moallim but oni me...
am i been wondering how does teachers noe my blog??
and i guess some teacher are a spammer...
so everyone...
be careful if u got would be some teachers..
shit...todae sway!!!
after sch..hang out wif valentino and other for awhile at sch, den i went home...and go jogging wif my soccer ball...i go jurong park...the 2.4km dribbling the ball...den after that...i went to street muscle..from..ok ok...den got one part i save the ball...den i slide and save but smth muscle..twisted...den i was like omg..wad going to happen...
den got one of my fren straighten my leg...den abit ok...
but still pain...
some more...ytd..after going skate...i go home..but be4 that...i play ard jurong...
den i injured myself again...
fuck ar..!!!!
i keep injured!!!
ok thats all...
so readers...if i write nonsense things rite its not me...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

HELLO readers....
haish...N level is still going on...
i left 4 daes...dat is on 5, 6,7,8 oct....
but but but....
FUn event is coming...
hahas....i abit weird...
alot of people called me weird...but i quite fun to u all rite??
hahas...if u far away from me?? u wont noe me well...muz get more close...
hahas...and muz muz fast....a 4 fours dae left....sundae HARI RAYA!!
hahas...happy liao...
hahas...i update two reason...
one...i bored...and another reason of my fren ask me update..
hahas...i told her...i lazy but in the end i still update...
dat wad i called weird..
i like to laugh if u notice...
hahas...cause...the emo side of me is gone!!
i am happi person... = ]
bla bla skip skip... N level...
abit hard...
I wanted u all to bless for me to pass...wif flying colours...
cool rite?? haha... u all got smth to sae to me?? pls sae to my cbox..

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dear readers...

Hello readers...
day by day...i getting bored of living...
but wad to do...i got frens ard me...
but i dunnoe whether some of them treat me as frens or wad??
some time i confused...haish ok ok...
let tok abt todae and ytd...
Let talk abt todae now...

morning wake up ard...9 plus...den walk walk ard my house...dunno do wad...
den on com...
play games..den clean my rooms again
den my family and i go geylang...take my sister clothes for raya...
den i buy things for my raya too...
quite fun but argh!! damn hot and i was like OMG!!! so damn hot...
i buy alot of food...
wah hungry man>>!!!
den walk walk abit then go home...
and now play wad?? play comp haiyo...
bored sia...actually todae i want to go jogging...
but cannot...dunno why oso...hahas...

ok now nothing to do...
lets talk abt ytd...
morning...wake up early cause got plan to do...
den on comp cause still early...
chat wif talk den go bath...
den went out...valentino msg me where am i??
den i tot i was the last one...hahas...den reach...valentino and lisha talking abt wad their parent...this is my parent la that is my parent la...bla bla bla...but fun...haha
den wait for nicholas....den he reached...we went to vivo...
den go cinema buy tickets...
den the show start at 2.20pm.
den we walk walk...den show start...wah OMG!!
the hamster very cute...they talk at the same timing...hahas...Cute..
hahas...i stare at valentino at one part of the show... u guess which part??
hahas...the part got BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!
hahas...i stared at valentino very funny cause that is valentino favourite song..BOOM BOOM POW!!
hahas...finix movie...we go eat...hahas...psps...ytd i nvr fast...hehes...
erm..den every body go home...but got one part i hate mrt alot of people...i keep feeling people touch my butt...OMG!!den got one part i accident hold gerls...that stupid nicholas..den after taht left me and valentino...
we go jp...erm i follow valentino to jp library to the music sch...den i see all piano...OMG~~ nice man...nice piano..muz have nice price too rite??
hahas...erm den we went to jp to buy drinks...den go arcade...valentino play his game..i play my game...but i lost!! -.- hahas...
den we walk walk...i go to soccer shop...i see their boots..and their gloves...
hahas,...den walk walk again...den go home...
and ytd..on comp and play games and clean my room again...still havent finish...
bye bye...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


woohoo...hey everyone...
actually i lazy post but...if can i post as many as i can...
hahas...after N level juz now...i went home..i rest for awhile and play com...
den after that i went for a run and jog...
hahas...i warm up at jurong park...the one who always test us 2.4km at jurong park...
juz warm up...den went to sch for awhile.tolet awhile...den run the sch compound for 10 as usual tired juz slow jog...den after that..i rest near my house..i tot after my resting i run 10 round again but...i saw my fren playing i ask can join..there are 4 people..usually people play five person so i join..i somemore wear the warriors shirt...den i play as keeper as usual...
wah nice one...i play from 3 plus to 6 plus..none
my fren of mine..has a nice team play...i can see that...i win alot of
hahas...i once of siblings teach me how to save the ball from scoring..i always save by rebound it..or either let the ball in..i once useless in soccer..i always gave up...but my sibling ask me (DO U LIKE SOCCER?)
den he sae den believe in urself u can protect ur team and the goalpost..not to let the ball in...den i started to become a great goalkeeper but not that great..but i believe in myself that i will become a great goalkeeper..and myself a history of the world...
I set my mind...once i get of this secondary sch..i go to ITE and join the soccer team..i make sure..i make my team the best!!
I will make my own soccer style..
for goalkeeper...i tell u all now..
if u all score once u are lucky..cause u cant score another...i swear..i oni can make u all score once but not twice...or win the my life...our team always win...
ok byes...
thnx for reading...

Monday, September 7, 2009

HEllo readers...

Erm Hey readers...
alot of u dunno my another websites for My blog...
so nvrmind...
erm i posting now cause...selas ask me too...hahas..
so i will be posting abt the past few daes... N level...quite Cool...cause its easy..hahas...havent started the hardness of the paper...i think the most hardest is u think so?? second hardest is either science or eng...but to me eng and science are easy...but hard to get full mark ar..hahas...
erm abt my life..i throw all the sadness within me....hahas...
haish i dunno wad to sae...
if i stress i either play skate or jogging nowadays... so bored if i do nothing abt it... wish me luck for the upcoming N level exams...
left six subjects...and it will end ard 8 oct..
wish for me really hard...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

HEy readers...

hello readers...
i want to hereby that...this blog...i wont use it anymore...
sori...dun ask me why....
hahas...sori...its juz too painful to use this blog...
all my fren have lost all the trust in me...
i am sori...
ok so...i will delete this one...and make new one...
i wont tell u all...
so byes..>!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello readers...
DAY BY DAY...I feel my life getting bored...
lesson start..i tot i can be attentive but i cant...
i was too tired...
haish....dunno why...
after school...
i dunno wad to do...all people looks very busy... i get bored...i went home..and get crazy wif my rollerblade boots!!
WOOHOO!! but i nowhere to i try to go sch...
den saw Selas and harriel
i chat wif them until 5 plus i think...
den i follow den jogging den i went home...
and at last...harriel told me not to look at food or drink be4 7pm..haish...nvrmind train myself...hahas...
den i went home, i as usual used computer and watch anime..hehes,
den went for break fast....WAH DAMN FULL!!! HUA HUA HUA!!!
hahas...den now blog..cause long tyme nvr update...

Welcome...TO MY PrOFiLe

HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...