Saturday, September 19, 2009


Hey readers...
todae very fun...
hehes....readers...todae abit tired...dunno why...maybe i work too hard...
todae got jurong church at 8am to 1pm...
6hrs...hahas....i notice that i need to go to bukit batok shopping centre to take donation....
but and others go to Clementi....
i got alot of money inside my so called the charity box...
i win all of them...hahas...i very kind mah...hahas....
and i make fren wif Siew hoon and her frens i forgot their names...
it is very fun to talk to her...hahas...serious fun...hahas...
den be4 that...all resting i go take charity again...and it started raining..
i help those old people to go down the staircase....
i used to it...
and one people cant speak...but speak to one of my CIp members...
she can understand hand signal...kinda cool...
the indian woman dat cant speak sae alot of gd things to me...
i happi...and the CIP people oso sae i very kind and good...
i sae thnk u alot....
hahas...den 12.30pm, we went back to jurong to give back everything...
den...i shake hand wif siew hoon....hahas...she very funny...
nvm...after dat...i went home...den i went to Paya lebar wif haikal, koon leong and limbin...
took mrt...i slpt...haha too tired....den let one gerl sit beside me...den i went off...i sae bye to dat gerl...hahas.....
den bought alot of things....
i bought new caps...
hahas...den at night go to prayer for the last dae of fasting mth...
Tmw HARI RAYA...... WOOHOOO...... fun...but i sad...cause i injured...hahas....
but nvm...hahas...confirm fun ar...
hahas...i hope to tok to siew hoon again...hahas..
ok thats all for todae...
Bye readers....

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