Tuesday, September 8, 2009


woohoo...hey everyone...
actually i lazy post but...if can i post as many as i can...
hahas...after N level juz now...i went home..i rest for awhile and play com...
den after that i went for a run and jog...
hahas...i warm up at jurong park...the one who always test us 2.4km at jurong park...
juz warm up...den went to sch for awhile.tolet break..hahas..jkjk..rest awhile...den run the sch compound for 10 rounds...run as usual tired juz slow jog...den after that..i rest near my house..i tot after my resting i run 10 round again but...i saw my fren playing soccer...so i ask can join..there are 4 people..usually people play five person so i join..i somemore wear the warriors shirt...den i play as keeper as usual...
wah nice one...i play from 3 plus to 6 plus..none stop..hahas..fun..
my fren of mine..has a nice team play...i can see that...i win alot of time...fun...
hahas...i once notice..one of siblings teach me how to save the ball from scoring..i always save by rebound it..or either let the ball in..i once useless in soccer..i always gave up...but my sibling ask me (DO U LIKE SOCCER?)
den he sae den believe in urself u can protect ur team and the goalpost..not to let the ball in...den i started to become a great goalkeeper but not that great..but i believe in myself that i will become a great goalkeeper..and myself a history of the world...
I set my mind...once i get of this secondary sch..i go to ITE and join the soccer team..i make sure..i make my team the best!!
I will make my own soccer style..
for goalkeeper...i tell u all now..
if u all score once u are lucky..cause u cant score another...i swear..i oni can make u all score once but not twice...or win the game..in my life...our team always win...
ok byes...
thnx for reading...

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