Friday, September 25, 2009


Hey readers...
yoyoyo...hahas, i sot sot liao...i dunnoe....hehes...
haish lets talk abt ytd..
mornin go sch as per normal...
den first period is p.e....FUN!!! soccers... u wanna to noe the score??? its 5 - 1
our team won...
my team got...
me as goal keeper...
shufian as defender...
fareez as midfield the game maker...
salihin and hangcai is the striker...
and the other team very funny...cause they so called play anyhow but...
other team make themselves horrible like...cant make even another goal...
the one goal is lucky shot...cause...i dunno who kicks...den over shufian den suddenly...from high ball...became low ball den *OLE* me..
so disgraceful...but...wad i i still a good goalkeeper...
ouhkk carry on...
lesson as per normal...
*skip skip*
half way going to end sch...
i was chased by 4a Fbj member...
hahas, cause i took every empty bottles...
throw at he shout 10 on 1...hahas...den i started to run lorh...
den tired...den sweating...den let my sweat gone den go prayers...
den go back sch...
dey sae they wanted to go to spooky hall...
but i went home first...changed...den wanted to go spooky hall but on the way saw shufian all...
den we went together...i on the bus cant talk cause havent medicine and cant talk...
i dunno why like hard to swallow oso....
reached spooky hall play soccer there...i brought my soccer ball along...
play play...den stanley and jason ask me and shufian to go xingnan play soccer actually...
den me and shufian...went to xingnan and jason is not coming...Argh!!!...jk jk....
den stanley and his frens...I met new two frens....
hahas...we inside xingnan laugh ard sometimes...
hahas...i was looking ard and i found someone....<3
haish....hard to describe her...hahas...
her frens ask me for number...and her frens sae she was shy...
actually i was the one so called disturb her...
i saw her coming to one stall tat sell water...den i sae to shufian, i wan go to the water stall den shufian go ar go!! hahas...den i go...i stand behind the gerl...den she bought the water...den she turned behind den look at me...and she smiled...Omg...her smile was like...hard to describe...
it was like first time i saw one of my ex smiled...i dunwan to mention who...
den she tell her frens something...den my stanley and others..was walking and and shufian headache la...hahas...but seriously...they walked like turn and keep turning...
den got one part we sat at near the parade square where...the flag is...
we sat there den got one teacher...btw we were jumpstyle and shuffle...den the teacher came...den ask shufian* are u from xingnan* den shufian sae back...NO...den the teacher ask* why are u here* den shufian sae* i accompany frens* den...they teacher sae alot of funny things...i nvr help i was like laughing...hahas...den we went back to the canteen...
met two gerls that is stanley frens...
we talk talk...den 9 plus we went out...den we went to Kfc...another funny things happen...
one of the crew name stanley...den i sae one of our fren is stanley tan den the other one is stanley goh...den i anyhow guess oso correct den i laugh...den i sae to shufian i want to find stanley chang,
and i combine them into one...stanley tan gohcang as in tan goncang...HAHA, hilarious...we inside kfc laughing and shufian is laughing and so called crying... first after eat want play soccer then i tot..night liao wan play soccer...i think everybody cannot then i was correct...
all went home...
i came home...bath...den slp dun care my relative coming...cause hari raya...but ytd i really duncare them..cause too tired...
and ytd night i dream abt that gerl again...
i hope i can meet her...!!!
ok thats all readers...
maybe todae i wan to follow shufian to lantern festival again...HEHES!!

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