Thursday, September 17, 2009

HEy readers...

Hey readers....
u go see my cbox...somebody spamming my blog using my name...
oMG!!! damn lame isnt it??
haish...stupid fellow...
ok ok rite now...dun believe wad stupid moallim writing...
this moallim that is spamming my blog is toking abt himself not me ok??
so anything that he write is abt him...
ok ok stop it...
Todae wake up...
den...go sch...
den lesson start...
den bla bla bla..
den tot P.e. fun but...BORING!!!
cause raining cant play soccer...although my leg pain...
den after, shufian and others plus fareez slack outside 1a seats outside ard there...
slack until...dunno wad time...den we went to jp...
den we walk walk to jp den go to jason house...
i pity him...haish...
he injured left hand..i injured right leg...hahas like so called father and son...
hahas...den after jason house, we went back to jp...
den go to NTUC...bla bla bla buy things...and one part...i sae to a person...
"Ur specs very cool" den he sae back..."URS TOO" hahas...
den joey all psps...hahas they sae they dunno me...hahas...
den go mac, they all go eat...we all chat chat...
den all separated...joey and jolin took 243...stanley walk and shufian took 154...den now i am home....
thats all....
bye readers...
Btw readers...dun believe moallim in my cbox...that oni talk abt himself...
hahas..that guy crazy i think...hahas...
Stupid imitation moallim...
i hate people to that have same name...
cause their parent stupid...
so this spammer name moallim is their parent let him or her read this blog..
SPAMMER SUX TO THE CORE....cause they stupid...and lowlife...

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