Monday, July 27, 2009

hey guys...

Hello readers...
wanna my story todae?? we go..
todae, morning wake up...wah super late sia..
hahas...nvm...den msg fasha... den she nvr bring phone to sch...den i was like ok ok...
i morning go walk walk ard sch to find valentino all...
haish nvr find den go bck class den saw them...they sae they went to canteen but nvr saw...hahas...
wateva...den lesson start... super bored...first lesson is abt business oredi haish...den mother tongue...OMG Mother tongue Super bored...OMG i hate mother tongue...hahas...
in sch, i always saw my darling...hahas...she very cute...
den after sch...we trained our position for NDP performance..
den after training...we went lisha and claudia..and her fren..i tink her name vivian...hahas
den after that... we go jp, me, valentino, shufian, amirul, lisha and claudia..we took bus from jp to one place call arena...that place is for playing snooker and billiard...hahas sori if my spelling wrong...hahas... then we play pool...super fun...i always win muahaha.. i not action ok...cause btw i win oso because the other dunno how to play dat y i always win...hahas...
den wen going home time...lisha, claudia, valentino and eric took cab and left us behind...
wah so bad...haha nvm ar...i think they in hurry...cause ard 6 plus liao...
i somemore hungry to death...
Lala belo scold me and ask me eat...hahas...den chiong home eat...
den msg Lala belo, fa, afiqah...
den now chatting wiv Lala belo...
tmw i be going sch wiv my dar...long tyme sia nvr go sch wiv her.....
dats all readers..


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