Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Todae BORED!!!

HEllo readers...
todae bored cause alot of people nvr come...
haish damn bored...
valentino nvr come, shufian nvr come alot la..nvr come...todae i disturb khongyee and ramzani very fun sia...but my hands hurt becoz of ytd...haish...nvm...todae in the morning my gf give me her drawing...i love it alot....I will keep it until i damn old and going to die...hahas...
if can i wan survive forever...dunwan die...hahas...after sch...i go hm...on com...take a nap den..go out play skate...met hairis...den we walk walk until 6.15pm den we off...her mum gave me $ very paisey to dun how to sae...but wad to do...juz take it...maybe nxt sae dun need...hahas...den went home and now editing blog...BLUEK :p...
bye readers...

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