Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hey readers..

HELLO readers...
i want tell one bad news to u all...
MAYBE AFter NDP perFormance, I WILL BE Quititng FBJ!!!
i sae oni MAYBE ok??
So dun worry...if i am gone from Fbj u still got others..
Ok...?? so for now...I will practiced for my last performance...
so dun cry all...have fun can??
so...everyone from fbj gd luck for next next Performance..
the reason is...( I GOT BIG PROBLEM)
Cant elaborate...ok??
so guys thnx for everything!!!!
FOR NOW I LEADER... if i really quit...DO FIND NEW ONE!!!

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Welcome...TO MY PrOFiLe

HEY come IN...DUn worry...
SO stay COOL...