Friday, July 10, 2009


hello guys and gerls...
wah...ytd after school follow mr. yugin cause...he borrow me $2 dollar...haha
then took my money back...find shufian...haiz...
i keep i going to pass my N level oral??
then i keep breathing...haha..jk jk...i took a deep breath and breath out slowly...
i tink in my mind to think positive that i can pass....
then when its my turn...MY N level teacher was one malay and one chinese...
then i went to them sae, "GD AFTERNOON MA'AM", then i shake hand wif the malay teacher then the chinese teacher sae to me... "U have respect" den i was like huH?? ok nvm...i take a seat...and read....quite easy my mind when i think of a conversation...i confirm failed...then i need a lie statement...then they ask me alot question sia....ard 10 question....then i was like wen am i going to finish?? nvm...luckily i finish my oral...i went down...
den took my everything that cant bring upstairs...then i forgot my house keys was wif aaron...damn it...hahas but nvm mondae can take..
go home...on com... den chat wif valentino, lisha and farah....
after head was dizzy.... den straight go slp....
haiz...i still wanna chat...
ok that all i want to post today...
the end..

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