Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Hello readers...
i want to tok abt todae..
Smth happen to me..haish BIG PROBLEM!!!
omg!!shit hope it wont get big...
if u ask wad my problem dun ask ok?? cause i not going to tell u...
morning.. wake up...No mood...but nvm forget abt my mood...
go sch...saw shufian, valentino all...
den wen dunno where forgot...nvm...
den me and shufian went to fa...
den we chat chat...
very fun...we laugh here laugh there...but she make my mood better...
den wish shufian and juliyana hapi 1st monthsary...
we wish them...haish den disturb farah...hahas...she shout shout..hahas...
den we went for usual all bored..!!
den after sch wait for fa to finish class den we all went to spooky hall..
hahas...den we dance here dance dere...
we pick fa's bf den pick fa's sista..( LAla Belo...)
den we went to spooky hall...we nvr do anything haish quite boring but..i disturb alot of people...
we chat chat...den we went somewhere ard west...dat is IMM...there was me , shufian , valentino and lisha...
we walk walk...den they tired so went home...
i went home msg Lala belo...
den i bath den eat...den chat wiv alot of people...hahas...
that's all readers...

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